American Literature Vocabulary Unit 4. affable courteous pleasant sociable cordial ------------------------- surly cantankerous inhospitable.


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American Literature Vocabulary Unit 4

affable courteous pleasant sociable cordial surly cantankerous inhospitable

aggrandize to increase in greatness, power, and wealth to make appear greater/grander amplify exalt decrease diminish

amorphous shapeless without definite form without unity formless definite well-defined

archetype A prototype An original model An ideal example of a person/thing

aura a distinctive air or personal quality an atmosphere ambience atmosphere

contraband illegal traffic smuggled goods illegal prohibited illicit unlawful legal lawful

erudite Scholarly Learned Bookish

gossamer thin delicate a very thin, light cloth filmy sheer thick solid

inscrutable Incapable of being understood Impossible to see through physically Comprehensible intelligible

insular Characteristic of, or situated on an island Narrow or isolated in outlook or experience Liberal

irrevocable incapable of being changed or called back irreversible unalterable changeable reversible

propensity a natural inclination toward a natural bent proclivity inability

querulous complaining fretful cranky irritable uncomplaining serene

Remonstrate To argue with someone; to protest

repudiate to reject to deny the validity of to renounce to affirm

resilient able to return to an original shape or form able to recover quickly rigid inflexible unyielding

reverberate to re-echo to be reflected repeatedly rumble echo

scurrilous vulgar or low (especially in language) foul-mouthed obscene filthy tasteful dignified

sedulous Persistent Showing industry/determination Listless

sleazy thin flimsy cheap inferior in quality or character/quality ethically low cheesy superior first-rate