Presented by Jennifer Alpert, Vice President Lester Consulting Group, Inc. Connecting People with Possibilities TM F EASIBILITY S TUDY B OARD O RIENTATION M ARCH 10, 2016
Key Financial Feasibility Study Objectives 1.Identify & confirm a Lead Gift (10% to 15% of goal) 2.Confirm 20-30% of the goal from all feasibility study participants 3.Identify sufficient campaign leadership & volunteers 4.Confirm 100% Board support in giving and volunteering 5.Confirm the organization’s readiness for a capital campaign
W HEN O BJECTIVES N OT M ET All findings are helpful findings Clearly defines risks and strategy to achieve goals Strengthens systems, staffing, and controls Identifies actionable steps for campaign readiness Positions you for success now and in future
Findings Inform Campaign Strategy Most important investment Analyses of potential for campaign success Reasonable, attainable goal Cultivates existing and new donors Tests key campaign messages and strategies Identifies volunteers, leadership and major donors Determines campaign strategy, timeline, budget Identifies potential issues or trouble spots
L ESTER C ONSULTING G ROUP, I NC. 7 team members 120+ years fundraising & campaign experience Counselors and strategists LCG review process CA AG prohibits solicitation by fundraising counsel
S TUDY T ASKS & T IMELINE D ETAIL Monitor and work to deadlines Clear delineation of duties Missed deadlines impact results
F EASIBILITY S TUDY I MPLEMENTATION Chart of Gifts Testing document Donor Recognition Confidentiality of Interviews Aggregated data Study Report Date Thursday, August 11
S TUDY P ARTICIPANT C RITERIA Community member to whom it’s difficult to say ‘no’ Outstanding individual, well known leader Ability to make and influence number of major gifts Willing to make the campaign a high priority Willing to lend more than name to campaign Sees ‘big picture’ and can leave details to staff Conscious of deadlines and schedules
P ROSPECT ID & E VALUATION Identify ALL individuals on list whom you know Subset to be selected & coordinated for study All prospects will be helpful for campaign
P ROSPECT A SSIGNMENT & C ALLING Do NOT contact anyone To volunteer, please complete response card now LCG will follow up Thank you!
Presented by Jennifer Alpert, Vice President Lester Consulting Group, Inc. Connecting People with Possibilities TM Q UESTIONS & T HANK Y OU
N=150 major gifts The Prospect Identification Pipeline How top donors were first identified Source: The Advisory Board Survey Largest Gifts By Board Member, Volunteer, or Donor By CEO/COOBy Development Self-IdentifiedGift to Annual Campaign Attended Special EventGift to Other NonprofitCommunity ScreeningConstituent Screening
Leveraging Existing Relationships Was a personal relationship essential to securing a major gift? N=149 13% 87% Yes No Vast majority of gifts “would not have happened without [the relationship]” Source: The Advisory Board Survey Largest Gifts
Value of peer-to-peer solicitations Number of personal relationships “Important” to getting the gift 36% 29% 35% Three or More One Two Nearly 3/4 of major donors rely on two or more personal relationships Source: The Advisory Board Survey Largest Gifts N=139 gifts