1.___________2.___________ 3.___________ 7._________6.___________ 5.___________ 4.___________ 8.___________ 9.___________10.___________11._________ 12.___________ Who are these elves? When you complete this assignment write Santa a short letter about how to find the names of all of his elves using a Dichotomous Key. This Letter Will allow The Make A Wish Foundation to receive $1 for all of your hard work. What a way to BENEFIT your community!
1.Gender a. She is a girl….go to # 7 b. He is a boy… go to #5 2. Bells a. the outfit has bells ….GINGER b. the outfit does not have bells….TINSEL 3. Hair a. She has white hair ……….SNOWFLAKE b. She has black hair ………. Go to #2 4. Shoes a. There are bells on the shoes……….. PEPPER b. There are no bells are the shoes……. MINT 5. FACE a. He has a beard…………………. Go to # 6 b. He does not have a beard……………… go to #9 6. Jacket a. wearing a red jacket ……………………go to # 12 b. wearing a green jacket…………………Gandolf 7. Hat a. wearing a red hat………. CRYSTAL b. wearing a green hat……. Go to # 3 8. Sleeves a. has stripped sleeves……..go to #4 b. has plain sleeves……….. Go to #9 9. Hat a. is wearing a plain hat……..go to #13 b. is wearing a hat with a design…..go to # Design a. hat has a star on it…… MISCHIEF b hat is stripped…………GRUMBLES 11. Color of hat a. Blue………………. Go to # 12 b. not blue………….. SANTA IN TRAINING 12. Personality a. Joker (stealing tree)……….. SNEAKY b. serious……………………….Go to # 7 13.Collar a. Has bells around neck………….. JINGLES b. No bells around neck……………ICICLES 11 c. Has bells on collar………Icicle
This Letter Will allow The Make A Wish Foundation to receive $1 for all of your hard work. What a way to BENEFIT your community! Your Name Misty Valley Houston, TX 77066