Maglev Trains Trains that fly on air
Principle of Working (EMS) Electro-magnetic Suspension
How EMS works? We know that opposite poles repel each other and this fact is used to support the working of a maglev train. Electromagnets of opposite polarity are helpful in lifting the train in air for around ten centimeters. Therefore there is no physical contact of the train with the earth. This is the basic concept. This means there is no friction between the train and the track!
Levitation System’s Power Supply Batteries on the train power the system, and therefore it still functions without propulsion. The batteries can levitate the train for 30 minutes without any additional energy. Linear generators in the magnets on board the train use the motion of the train to recharge the batteries. Levitation system uses less power than the trains air conditioning.
Propulsion System The system consists of aluminum three-phase cable windings in the stator packs that are on the guideway When a current is supplied to the windings, it creates a traveling alternating current that propels the train forward by pushing and pulling.
When the alternating current is reversed, the train brakes. Different speeds are achieved by varying the intensity of the current. Only the section of track where the train is traveling is electrified. .
Environment It uses no fossil fuel for propulsion and hence it is low at pollution. There is no smoke, no gases, no wastes and therefore the environment remains clean. The risk of global warming is too low to be considered as this means of transportation is totally gas free.
Noise Pollution The train makes little noise because it does not touch the track and it has no motor. Therefore, all noise comes from moving air. This sound is equivalent to the noise produced by city traffic.
Magnetic Field: The magnetic field created is low, therefore there are no adverse effects.
Countries with fastest Maglev Trains China Traction power Speed – 1200 kph Japan JR maglev MLX01 Speed – 600 kph France TGV V150 Speed- 575 kph
Summery Maglev trains use magnets to levitate and propel the trains forward. Since there is no friction these trains can reach high speeds. It is a safe and efficient way to travel. Governments have mixed feelings about the technology. Some countries, like China, have embraced it and others like Germany have balked at the expense.