Some deny the plain teaching of the Bible Atheists, skeptics, agnostics Undermine all things began with God ▪Authority of God ▪Accountable to God
Some deny the plain teaching of the Bible “Believers” compromise ▪Lee Strobel, The Case For A Creator ▪Hill Roberts, Christian & NASA scientist ▪Compromise undermines Scripture
Our faith must be grounded in God’s word Truth, Jn. 17:17 Settled, Psa. 119:89 Guide, Psa. 119:105 Reject all that contradicts, Psa. 119:104
Theistic evolutionists accept an old earth Charles Darwin: 20 million years Current: 4.6 billion or 4,600 million
The Bible shows a young earth Us to Jesus: about 2,000 years Jesus to Abraham: about 2,000 years Abraham to Adam: about 1,948 years Luke 3: 55 men from Christ to Abraham Luke 3: 20 men from Abraham to Adam
The Bible shows a young earth Adam [130] Seth [105] Enosh [90] Cainan [70] Mahaiael [65] Jared [162] Enoch [65] Methuselah [187] Lamech [182] Noah [500] Shem [100] Arphaxad [35] Salah [30] Eber [34] Peleg [30] Reu [32] Serug [30] Nahor [29] Terah [70] Abraham Adam Abraham 1948 Enoch 7 th from Adam Jude 14
The earth was created in six days Genesis 1:1-31 Exodus 20:11 Exodus 31:17
If the six days are figurative, then what about… Plants that need bees, Gen. 1:9-12, Man & woman at the beginning, Mk. 10:6 God’s attributes at beginning, Rom. 1:18-21 Seven days of Joshua 6:3-5
Claim: flood of Genesis 7 was local Not enough water Man not over all the earth
The Bible: universal flood Worldwide, Gen. 7:17-24 Never happen again, Gen. 9:11 Miraculous event: changed geology
The Bible: universal flood Long life spans, mild climates before - The Global Flood of Noah Population: doubled Creation to flood over 1,600 years At least 100 flood traditions recorded by ancient civilizations
Abundant geological evidence - Fossils of sea creatures high above sea level Rapid burial of plants & animals Rapidly deposited sediment layers Sediment transported long distances Rapid or no erosion between strata Many strata laid down in rapid succession
Some view Genesis 1-11 as mythological No real Adam & Eve No serpent in the garden that spoke to Eve No universal flood No tower of Babel
New Testament refers to Genesis 1-11 as real people and/or events - Creation Compromises Jesus on marriage, Mt. 19:4-6 Jesus on the flood & Noah, Mt. 24:37-39 Peter on the flood & Noah, 1 Pt. 3:20, 21 Hebrews on Noah, Heb. 11:7
New Testament refers to Genesis 1-11 as real people and/or events - Creation Compromises Paul on Adam, Rom. 5:14; 1 Cor. 15:22, Paul on Adam & Eve, 1 Tim. 2:11-14 Paul on Eve & the serpent, 2 Cor. 11:3 Paul on the woman from man, 1 Cor. 11:8, 9 Paul on creation, 2 Cor. 4:6
Some deny the plain teaching of the Bible Atheists, skeptics, agnostics Undermine all things began with God ▪Authority of God ▪Accountable to God
Our faith must be grounded in God’s word Truth, Jn. 17:17 Settled, Psa. 119:89 Guide, Psa. 119:105 Reject all that contradicts, Psa. 119:104