Lesson Analysis Lesson Analysis Jackeline Pineda Rojas Jackeline Pineda Rojas Professions and Occupations
Lesson Analysis -Present tense and WH questions is very useful in any academic level. -Basic for beginners. -Something that students can apply every single day. -Easy topic in English teaching and learning process. Why this topic?
Lesson Analysis Lesson Analysis -Concerned about the time -Disappointed at the beginning of the class -Confident -Happy and I enjoyed my class. -New following PDP planning Feelings Feelings
Lesson Analysis Objective: Students are going to be able to use of simple present tense, and wh questions. Professions and Occupations
Lesson Analysis Lesson Analysis - Teacher: - uses a wig as a way to motivate the students to speak. - wears and asks a question about professions and occupations. -Then, shows how to do it to students. - After that, each student is going to wear it and he/she is going to throws the wig to another partner and so on. Warm Up Warm Up
Pre Activities # 1- Teacher: *Brainstorm about activities people usually do as a profession or occupations. # 2- Responding questions about Professions / Occupations E.g: Where do you want to work? What kind of job do you like? Which profession / occupation do you like the most? What profession / occupation do you have? Where do you work? # 3- Answering a Multiple Choice Exercise
Lesson Analysis Activity # 4- Teacher provides to the students a worksheet with a complete exercise based on the topic. Activity # 5- Students share orally their dreams about Professions / Occupations. During Activities
Lesson Analysis Lesson Analysis Activity # 5 Students make a circle. Then, they tell a personal experience at their work. Post Activity
Lesson Analysis - To work with a new and clear teaching planning form. -Easy to follow the planning step by step. -To be more organized with everything, while you are teaching. -Effective use of the established time. Personal Learning
Recommendations -Keep Everything Handy And Organized -Enjoy Your Class -Show Confidence To Your Student -Incorporate Dynamic Activities -Reinforce Values In Every Single Class
Conclusions -To Use A Variety of Didactic Material -Applying the correct use of Present tense and Wh questions -Keep in mind everything you have planned. -Be careful at the time to develop your lesson from the beginning to the end.