Welcome to Workforce 3 One U.S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration Interactive webinar on March 4, 2014 Presented by: Division of Youth Services – YouthBuild U.S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration
Paul Nelson Director of Site Improvement and Technical Assistance YouthBuild USA 2#
#3 A Career Pathway is a series of connected education and training programs and student support services that enable students to secure a job or advance into post-secondary education
It allows YouthBuild students to: Ease transitions into careers and/or post- secondary education Research a wide range of career choices in high-growth sectors #4
Understand requirements of post- secondary fields of study Attain employer-needed skills in high- demand occupations Attain stackable certificates #5
Maximize opportunities for all YouthBuild students Increase student awareness of careers and post- secondary education and training Strengthen the career and post-secondary development continuum Ease student transitions between YouthBuild and postsecondary education through: Dual enrollment Articulation agreements Comprehensive Guidance and Supports Provide strong academic skills and real-world problem solving skills #6
Increased academic and skill achievement at secondary and post-secondary levels Decreased need for remediation at the post-secondary level Increased enrollment and persistence in post-secondary education #7
Increased attainment of post-secondary degrees, certificates, or other industry- recognized credentials Increased rate of entry into employment Wage gains over time for student completers #8
Responsive to Local Labor Market Needs Program Design and Instructional Innovation Partnerships Employer Engagement Continuous Improvements Sustainability #9
Identify high-growth industries and occupations in your local area Verify the information with key stakeholders Work with employers to understand their needs and entry-level opportunities for your students Partner with post-secondary institutions that are offering credentials in high-demand fields Prepare students to acquire technical, work readiness, and academic skills #10
Contextual or competency-based curriculum Visual roadmaps and templates Articulation and transition Student supports and tools #11
Meaningful, sustainable, formal and mutually accountable Reflect local context, students’ needs and existing resources Strengthened with formal agreements (MOUs, articulation and data sharing agreements) Timeline and process to review and recommit to partnership agreements to ensure integrated and effective services #12
Identify “Best Bets” Occupations Market to businesses within industries Engage businesses on multiple levels Building Lasting Relationships Always be aware of the business’ needs Place reliable participants in initial placements with employers (“door openers”) Provide follow-up and support to both the employer and the youth #13
Student interest and engagement Credential attainment Integration with other YouthBuild components Post-secondary on-ramps Feedback Placements #14 Continuous Improvement
Implications for cost per participant Stewardship of training partners Employer engagement Make the case for new funding #15
Please join us for the interactive webinar: Implementing a Career Pathway Approach March 4 th, :00pm (EST) 16#
Thank You! Find resources for workforce system success at: 17#