Lecture 27
Significance of Resume
Forms of Contact
Written Written Spoken Spoken CV CV Letter Letter Relations emerge due to communication Relations emerge due to communication Your resume may possibly be the first point of contact. Your resume may possibly be the first point of contact.
Relations emerge due to communication
Your resume may possibly be the first point of contact
Major Types of Resume
Chronological Chronological Functional Functional Targeted Targeted Creative Creative Gimmicky Gimmicky
Chronological The chronological résumé presents facts in reverse chronological order. Start from present job or position and move date wise backward. This type of resume is mostly popular in our country. In this type of resume the problem is sometimes with the filling up the gaps. When a year or two do not show what you have been doing does not leave a good impression on the prospective employer. These gaps should be filled sensibly telling what you have been doing, e.g. you were busy with your father’s business, or you were on foreign tour etc.
Functional The functional résumé organizes skills and accomplishments into the function performed. If you have worked in any organization, the skill and expertise you have learnt is mentioned. For example you can tell that you have team making skills or you can organize events.
Targeted The targeted résumé focuses on a specific job target and only presents information relevant to that target. Whichever résumé format you choose, it is best to place your most saleable asset first. What is needed and what you have to offer, should be mentioned first. Focus on yourself and find those events in your life that depict your capabilities and skills needed for that particular job. If there is a match between your skills and the requirements of the employer it can be helpful to get a job interview. Microsoft Word contains résumé formats worthy of consideration.
Creative The creative resume presents skills in a creative form. A creative-style résumé is one with a novel format and design. Resume should be creative not created (not the one that creates false facts). It is best suited for jobs with a specific emphasis on creativity. The generally accepted approach is to be creative when submitting résumés. Job seekers should be aware that many employers verify facts presented on a résumé.
Gimmicky The gimmickry resume is also to get the attention of the prospective employer. When your background does not fit the position, emphasize skills and experiences that would contribute to success in the job under consideration. When you do not have the experience or skill directly required for the particular job, you can mention your skills that are relevant for that specific job.
Preparing an Effective Job Résumé
CVs Preparing an Effective Job Résumé: The major purpose of a résumé is to help you obtain a job interview, not a job. The major purpose of a résumé is to help you obtain a job interview, not a job. A challenge in preparing an effective résumé is to suit many different preferences, such as length and amount of detail about job experience. A challenge in preparing an effective résumé is to suit many different preferences, such as length and amount of detail about job experience.
A. Three Types of Résumés: The chronological résumé presents facts in reverse chronological order. The chronological résumé presents facts in reverse chronological order. The functional résumé organizes skills and accomplishments into the function performed. The functional résumé organizes skills and accomplishments into the function performed. The targeted résumé focuses on a specific job target and only presents information relevant to that target. Whichever résumé format you choose, it is best to place your most salable asset first. Microsoft Word contains résumé formats worthy of consideration. The targeted résumé focuses on a specific job target and only presents information relevant to that target. Whichever résumé format you choose, it is best to place your most salable asset first. Microsoft Word contains résumé formats worthy of consideration.
Chronological Résumé Chronological Résumé
Functional Résumé Functional Résumé
Targeted Résumé Targeted Résumé
Introduction to Resume
The employer might be asked as to the type of references required, or for recent graduates, references might be left on file in the placement office. The employer might be asked as to the type of references required, or for recent graduates, references might be left on file in the placement office. Key words such as information technology skills, team player, and foreign language should be incorporated into the résumé. Key words such as information technology skills, team player, and foreign language should be incorporated into the résumé. A new emphasis in résumé construction is to incorporate your values into the presentation of yourself because of the intensified interest in ethics in business. Show you are an effective worker. A new emphasis in résumé construction is to incorporate your values into the presentation of yourself because of the intensified interest in ethics in business. Show you are an effective worker. The personal interest section can help demonstrate your values because people engage in activities they think are important. The personal interest section can help demonstrate your values because people engage in activities they think are important.
B. How to Handle the Job Objective Section: The job objective section should deal with the short- range, or be divided into short—and long-range objectives. The job objective section should deal with the short- range, or be divided into short—and long-range objectives. The objective section often has to be tailored to the specific job under consideration. The objective section often has to be tailored to the specific job under consideration.
C. Electronic Submission of the Résumé: Not every prospective employer can or is willing to accept compressed files. Not every prospective employer can or is willing to accept compressed files. The easiest approach is to submit your résumé as a Microsoft Word document or plain text file. The easiest approach is to submit your résumé as a Microsoft Word document or plain text file. Yet, some companies will not open attached files because of concerns about computer viruses. Yet, some companies will not open attached files because of concerns about computer viruses. As a last resort, copy your résumé directly into the e- mail document. As a last resort, copy your résumé directly into the e- mail document.
Writing a Resume D. How Do You Write a Résumé When Your Background Does Not Fit the Position? When your background does not fit the position, emphasize skills and experiences that would contribute to success in the job under consideration. When your background does not fit the position, emphasize skills and experiences that would contribute to success in the job under consideration.
E. What About the Creative Style Résumé? A creative-style résumé is one with a novel format and design (not one that creates false facts). A creative-style résumé is one with a novel format and design (not one that creates false facts). It is best suited for jobs with a specific emphasis on creativity. The generally accepted approach is to be conservative when submitting résumés. It is best suited for jobs with a specific emphasis on creativity. The generally accepted approach is to be conservative when submitting résumés. Job seekers should be aware that many employers verify facts presented on a résumé. Job seekers should be aware that many employers verify facts presented on a résumé.
Successful Job Interview VI. The Successful Job Interview: Group interviews are commonplace to supplement individual interviews. Group interviews are commonplace to supplement individual interviews. More emphasis is placed today on the behavioral interview in which a candidate is asked how he or she handled a particular problem in the past. More emphasis is placed today on the behavioral interview in which a candidate is asked how he or she handled a particular problem in the past. Becoming a skilled interviewee requires practice. Becoming a skilled interviewee requires practice. An effective technique is to videotape the responses and observe the playback. An effective technique is to videotape the responses and observe the playback. A general guide for performing well in the job interview is to present a positive but accurate picture of yourself. A general guide for performing well in the job interview is to present a positive but accurate picture of yourself.
Successful Interview Suggestions for having a successful interview follow: 1.Prepare in advance (including memorizing basic facts about oneself). 1.Prepare in advance (including memorizing basic facts about oneself). 2.Dress appropriately (match the type of employer). 2.Dress appropriately (match the type of employer). 3.Focus on important job factors (not benefits and vacations). 3.Focus on important job factors (not benefits and vacations). 4.Be prepared for a frank discussion of your strengths and areas for improvement. 4.Be prepared for a frank discussion of your strengths and areas for improvement. 5.Do not knock former employers. 5.Do not knock former employers. 6.Ask a few good questions. 6.Ask a few good questions. 7.Let the interviewer introduce the topic of compensation. 7.Let the interviewer introduce the topic of compensation. 8.Smile and exhibit a positive attitude. 8.Smile and exhibit a positive attitude. 9.Emphasize how your skills can benefit the employer. 9.Emphasize how your skills can benefit the employer. (Get in a skills-benefit statement, a brief explanation of how your skills can benefit the company.) (Get in a skills-benefit statement, a brief explanation of how your skills can benefit the company.) 10.Avoid appearing desperate. (For example, being open to taking any job.) 10.Avoid appearing desperate. (For example, being open to taking any job.) 11.Ask for the job and follow through (with a thank you letter). 11.Ask for the job and follow through (with a thank you letter).
Psychological Testing VII. Psychological Testing and The Physical Examination: VII. Psychological Testing and The Physical Examination: Psychological and physical testing are two more challenges facing job candidates who have made it through the interview. Psychological (or personnel) testing can help both the employer and job candidate find a mutually satisfactory fit. The good fit is most likely to be found when the tests are accurate and fair, and the candidate answers them accurately. Psychological and physical testing are two more challenges facing job candidates who have made it through the interview. Psychological (or personnel) testing can help both the employer and job candidate find a mutually satisfactory fit. The good fit is most likely to be found when the tests are accurate and fair, and the candidate answers them accurately.
A.Psychological Testing: A.Psychological Testing: Five types of psychological tests are widely used: Five types of psychological tests are widely used: 1.Achievement tests sample and measure the applicant’s knowledge and skills. 2.Aptitude tests measure an applicant’s capacity or potential for performing satisfactorily on the job, given sufficient training. 3.Personality tests measure personal traits and characteristics that could be related to job performance. 4.Interest tests measure preferences for engaging in certain job activities. 5.Honesty tests measure tendencies toward telling the truth. Such tests can be in paper and pencil (or computerized) form, or the polygraph.
Psychological Testing
Achievement Tests
Aptitude Tests
Personality Tests
Interest Tests
Honesty Tests
B. The Physical Examination and Drug Testing: The physical examination gives some indication of an applicant’s ability to handle a particular job. The physical examination gives some indication of an applicant’s ability to handle a particular job. The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1991 has increased the importance of the physical exam. The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1991 has increased the importance of the physical exam. A disabled applicant can only be rejected if the workplace poses a threat to his or her safety or the safety of others. A disabled applicant can only be rejected if the workplace poses a threat to his or her safety or the safety of others. A survey showed that pre-employment physicals are associated with fewer post-employment injuries and lowered medical insurance costs. A survey showed that pre-employment physicals are associated with fewer post-employment injuries and lowered medical insurance costs. Approximately one-half of employers test applicants for illegal drug use. Approximately one-half of employers test applicants for illegal drug use. Some employers test for personality factors associated with drug use. Some employers test for personality factors associated with drug use.
VIII.Managing the Downside of Conducting a Job Search: The successful job hunter must not be overwhelmed by rejection—persistence leads to success even with average job qualifications. The successful job hunter must not be overwhelmed by rejection—persistence leads to success even with average job qualifications. “Every ‘no’ is a step closer to a yes.” Job hunters may also encounter rudeness frequently because so many people apply for desirable jobs. “Every ‘no’ is a step closer to a yes.” Job hunters may also encounter rudeness frequently because so many people apply for desirable jobs. To repeat, the entire job-search process is inefficient but effective. To repeat, the entire job-search process is inefficient but effective. An analysis of 36 studies involving 11,010 job seekers found that individuals who engaged in higher levels of job search behavior were more likely to obtain employment. An analysis of 36 studies involving 11,010 job seekers found that individuals who engaged in higher levels of job search behavior were more likely to obtain employment.