FLNR FUNDAMENTAL & APPLIED RESEARCH PROGRAMME (further development in the frame of JINR’s 7-year’s plan) S.N. Dmitriev JINR, Dubna 111th Session of the Scientific Council February 2012
BASIC DIRECTIONS of RESEARCH 1. Heavy and superheavy nuclei: synthesis and study of properties of superheavy elements; chemistry of new elements; fusion-fission and multi-nucleon transfer reactions; nuclear-, mass-, & laser-spectrometry of SH nuclei. 3. Radiation effects and physical groundworks of nanotechnology 2. Light exotic nuclei: properties and structure of light exotic nuclei; reactions with exotic nuclei.
DRIBs-III Modernization of existing accelerators (U400М & U400) Creation of the new experimental hall (≈ 2600 м 2 ) Development and creation of next generation set-ups Creation of high current heavy ion accelerator (A≤ 100, E ≤ 10 MeV ·A, I≥10 pµA) (A≤ 100, E ≤ 10 MeV ·A, I≥10 pµA) The DRIBs-III project should be realized at simultaneous implementation of SHE research program
4 Provisional Recommendation - Names and Symbols of the Elements with Atomic Numbers 114 and December 2011 A joint IUPAC/IUPAP Working Party (JWP) has confirmed the discovery of the elements with atomic numbers 114 and 116. In accord with IUPAC procedures, the discoverers proposed names as follows: Flerovium and symbol, Fl, for the element with Z = 114 and Livermorium with the symbol Lv for the element with Z = 116. The Inorganic Chemistry Division recommended these proposals for acceptance.
Mendeleev Periodic Table of the Elements 2012 (preliminary)
Last Results
DRIBs-III Modernization of existing accelerators (U400М & U400) Creation of the new experimental hall (≈ 2600 м 2 ) Development and creation of next generation set-ups Creation of high current heavy ion accelerator (A≤ 100, E ≤ 10 MeV ·A, I≥10 pµA) (A≤ 100, E ≤ 10 MeV ·A, I≥10 pµA)
U400M - stand-alone & driving accelerator Properties and structure of light exotic nuclei; Astrophysics; Reactions with exotic nuclei; Light neutron-rich nuclei; Deep inelastic scattering; Producing of RIBs. U400M E=30 ÷ 50 MeV/A E=4.5 ÷ 9 MeV/A IonIon energy [MeV/A] Output intensity 7 Li356× O331× Ar401× Ca56× Cr53× Fe53× Sn52× Xe54× U 72×10 10 ACCULINNA-I, -II, COMBAS + Gas-Catcher, MASHA, + ∙∙∙
U400 U400R GOALS Increasing the beam intensity A ≈ 50 ions up to 2.5 pμA; Smooth ion energy variation on the target within a factor 5; Reducing the ion’s energy spread on the target up to ; Improvement of the beam emittance on the target up to 10 π mm · mrad; Reducing the main magnet average field level from 1.8 to 0.8 T.
U400R - stand-alone & post-accelerator U400R (expected) IonIon energy [MeV/A] Output intensity 6 He 2.8 He 1.6 Li2-171× O6,4 -271× Ar1-5,16× Ca1, × Ti4,1-216× Fe1,2-7,56× Kr0,8-3,52× Xe0,8-3,53× U1,5- 85×10 11 Fusion-fission; Quasi-fission; Nuclear spectroscopy; New heavy isotopes; Multi nucleon transfer reactions; Sub-barrier fusion; Reactions with exotic nuclei Structure of light exotic nuclei; VASSILISSA-II + GABRIELA, DGFRS + Gas-Catcher, CORSET, “LASER” + ∙∙∙
DC280 - stand-alone SHE-factory Synthesis and study of properties of superheavy elements; Search for new reactions for SHE- synthesis Chemistry of new elements; DC280 (expected) E=4÷8 MeV/A IonIon energy [MeV/A] Output intensity 7 Li41× O81× Ar56× Ca50,6-1,2× Cr52× Fe51× Sn52× Xe51× U75×10 10 DGFRS-II, Chemistry, Preseparator + Cryo-Detector, + ∙∙∙
Innovation projects in the Nanotechnology Centre A new roll-to roll etching facility for the development of new track-etch membranes Facilities for surface modification of nano-structured composite filmy materials A diversified electron microscopy laboratory for performing the studies of micro- and nano-structured materials produced using ion beam modification methods A diversified laboratory for the studies of ion-induced radiation effects in matter, including AFM, optical spectroscopy, IR Raman spectroscopy, luminescence, and others Innovation projects in the Nanotechnology Centre A new roll-to roll etching facility for the development of new track-etch membranes Facilities for surface modification of nano-structured composite filmy materials A diversified electron microscopy laboratory for performing the studies of micro- and nano-structured materials produced using ion beam modification methods A diversified laboratory for the studies of ion-induced radiation effects in matter, including AFM, optical spectroscopy, IR Raman spectroscopy, luminescence, and others
U400M U400 DRIBs MT25 U200 IC100 FLNR Nanotechnology NP SHE Exotic Nuclei E = 30 ÷ 50 MeV/n A < 20
U400M U400 DRIBs MT25 U200 IC100 NanoLab 1500m 2 FLNR SHE 243 Am+ 48 Ca 249 Bk+ 48 Ca Exotic Nuclei E = 30 ÷ 50 MeV/n A <
U400 DRIBs MT25 U200 IC100 FLNR SHE 249 Bk+ 48 Ca (Chem.) 251 Cf + 48 Ca SHE factory Building 1000m 2 NanoLab 1500m 2 U400M+DECRIS-SC Exotic Nuclei E = 30 ÷ 60 MeV/n A <
SHE factory Building computer model
U400M+DECRIS-SC U400 DRIBs MT25 U200 IC100 FLNR Start of the Reconstruction SHE factory 1000m 2 NanoLab 1500m 2 DC Exotic Nuclei E = 30 ÷ 60 MeV/n A < 60
U400M+DECRIS-SC U400 DRIBs MT25 U200 IC100 FLNR Reconstruction SHE factory 1000m 2 NanoLab 1500m 2 SHE experiments 2015 Exotic Nuclei E = 30 ÷ 60 MeV/n A < 60
U400M U400R DRIBs MT25 U200 IC100 FLNR – 2016 Nuclear Physics SHE factory U400R Accelerator Complex m 2 U400M+DECRIS-SC 2012 NanoLab 1500m m Exotic Nuclei E = 30 ÷ 60 MeV/n A < 60 SHE experiments
FLNR international cooperation Existing cooperation is a good prerequisite to developing of user policy and committee All JINR member-states Germany (GSI,FIAS), France (GANIL, IPN (Orsay),Strasbourg) United States (LLNL,ORNL,ANL, VU,TU) Switzerland (PSI) Finland (UJ) Japan (RIKEN, JAERY) Italy (INFN) Hungary (KFKI) South Africa (iThemba LABS, SU) Serbia (INS “VINČA”) Belgium (ULB) China (IMP,CIAE)