Study of the complete-fusion reaction 226 Ra+ 48 Ca Voinov A.A. on behalf of the FLNR, LLNL, TUM, INS Vinca collaboration 10 th International Spring Seminar.


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Presentation transcript:

Study of the complete-fusion reaction 226 Ra+ 48 Ca Voinov A.A. on behalf of the FLNR, LLNL, TUM, INS Vinca collaboration 10 th International Spring Seminar on Nuclear Physics New Quests in Nuclear Structure, Vietri Sul Mare, May 21-25, 2010

226 Ra + 48 Ca = Hs + 3-5n

RESULTS Six decay chains of 270 Hs were observed at 233 MeV beam energy 10 th International Spring Seminar on Nuclear Physics New Quests in Nuclear Structure, Vietri Sul Mare, May 21-25, 2010 Cross section σ 4n = 8.3 pb was measured to be lower than predicted No decay chains of Hs isotopes were observed at two other bombarding energies of MeV and MeV The upper cross section limits are σ 3n < 4.2 pb and σ 5n < 5.0 pb for the low and high 48 Ca beam energy, respectively

E * = 35 MeV beam dose = 1.7* days E * = 39 MeV beam dose = 2.4* days 22.2 mg of 249 Bk Six sectors, each 6 cm 2, 0.31 mg/cm 2 T 1/2 = 320 days black - experiment, blue - theory

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