Make Your Marketing Work! By ‘Thinking in 3D’! Leeds 28 th April 2016
Who The Hell Is Andy Hanselman?
I Help Businesses And Their People Create Competitive Advantage By... Thinking in 3D !
Dramatically and Demonstrably Different! That means being...
3D? Why...
I research, write about, talk about and work with high performance businesses (and have been for over 25 years!)
Dramatically and Demonstrably Different 7 Characteristics of Businesses
today only £9.99! Normal Price: £ £1.20 p&p 320 pages with real insights into The 7 Characteristics of 3D Businesses Outlines of ‘Dramatically and Demonstrably Different’ Businesses who have done it, and are still doing it Practical examples of what works (and doesn’t!) An opportunity to see how your business measures up Stimulating ideas and practical steps that you can actually take to make it work in your business
What exactly is ‘Marketing’?
A Classic Definition of ‘Marketing’: “Marketing is a social and managerial process by which individuals and groups obtain what they need and want through creating and exchanging products and value with others”
My Definition of ‘Marketing’: “Finding, attracting and keeping the customers that you want while maximising your profits”
Awareness Assessment Action
What are we up against when it comes to ‘customers’
#7 Trends...
#1: We’re in ‘the age of abundance!
“In every single industry there is now overcapacity of production and lack of capacity in terms of people” Sir Martin Sorrell, Chief Executive WPP
Management Consultants Sheffield
529,000!529,000! (0.25 seconds)
#2: Customers are putting up more ‘barriers’!
#3: There’s greater ‘transparency’!
#4: Their expectations are rising!
75%! Source: Henley Business School of UK customers think that customer service levels ‘are at an all time low’
90% of business leaders believe customers are more demanding than they were a few years ago
“The beach was too sandy”
“No one told us there would be fish in the sea. Our children were startled”
“I think it should be explained in the brochure that the local store does not sell proper biscuits like custard creams or ginger nuts”
“It’s lazy of the local shopkeepers to close in the afternoons. I often want to buy things in ‘siesta’ time. It should be banned”
#5: Promiscuity is rife!
73% of customers have ended a relationship with a company because of bad service in the past 6 months Source: Genesys Telecommunications Laboratories Report – The Cost Of Poor Customer Service
#6: They don’t believe the hype!
76 % of consumers don’t believe that companies tell the truth in advertisements
#7: ‘Word Of Mouth’ is increasing!
So is ‘Word Of Mouse’...
of customers identify word of mouth as the best, most reliable source about ideas and information on products and services - up 26 pts. vs. 25 years ago Source: NOP World 93%
“ 79% who have a negative experience with a business tell others about it” Source: Right Now Customer Service Report 2014
So, what does it all mean?
You’ve got to work harder at building and maintaining.....
Do ‘things’ that stand out
Things that get people talking!
3 iDeas to consider.....
Choose ‘em or lose
My Definition of ‘Marketing’: “Finding, attracting and keeping the customers that you want while maximising your profits”
My Definition of ‘Marketing’: “Finding, attracting and keeping the customers that you want while maximising your profits”
Identify the customers you want to work
“ 50% of businesses cannot accurately determine their profitable customers and products” Source:
Think... ‘Value For Time’!
Get rid of the customers you don’t
Some Questions For YOU!
1.Who are your ‘best’
2.Does everyone in your business know
3.Are your sales and marketing efforts focused
Why Should I Buy From YOU? Our ‘expertise and experience’ Our people Our location Our reputation Our quality Our pricing Our personal service Our customer care Our flexibility to customer needs Our ability to solve problems Our ‘uniqueness’
USP’s? = ‘Usual Stuff People
Establish A ‘Dramatic Difference’!
Dramatic Difference: “An unmatchable ‘bundle’ of products, services, skills, methods and practices that differentiate a business from its
‘-1D’ ‘Dramatically & Demonstrably Different’ ‘ Worse than ’ ‘As good as’ ‘ Dramatically Different ‘As bad as’ Different (‘better than’) ‘0D’‘0D’‘1D’‘1D’‘2D’‘2D’
Dramatic Difference: Things Your Competitors aren’t Things Your Competitors CAN’T DO!
Sources Of ‘Dramatic Difference’...
3D Demonstrated!
Sources Of ‘Dramatic Difference’... Spot The Gap! Find A
3D Demonstrated!
“Most of my friends at university were non-Muslims, and when we did a weekly food shop together their trolleys were full of really tasty-looking ready meals, and all I could buy were things like cheese and onion pasties. It was really frustrating, and I used to whinge a lot that I was missing out. I thought, why wasn’t anyone making halal ready meals, other than the odd curry?” Shazia 3D Demonstrated!
Sources Of ‘Dramatic Difference’... Solve Problems! Anticipate And Spot
3D Demonstrated!
@andyhanselman 3D Demonstrated!
@andyhanselman 3D Demonstrated!
Sources Of ‘Dramatic Difference’... Break The Rules! Set The
If this house were a person she’d be dressed in Chanel and not wearing knickers.... “Character-forming country cottage currently undergoing a bit of a makeover which will eventually drag it from the turn of the century up to somewhere around the 1950s....” “Two bedroom and terrace house with all the charm and poise of a vicar on crack. Hall, cloak room, sitting room, kitchen, bathroom, parking and rear courtyard kitchen – would suit a midget on a 3D Demonstrated!
“We are all about convenience and being a dog-friendly bank is part of this. Bring your dog in when you next visit – we’d love to meet them!” 3D Demonstrated!
Your ‘Dramatic Difference’ Is Only Any Good If Want it! Are willing to pay (more) for it! Can recognise
Demonstrate Your ‘Dramatic Difference’!
Delight your customers! Surprise them with the level of service you provide
Now THAT’S Customer Delight !
The 6 Ingredients Of Customer Delight....
1.Produces a ‘wow’ reaction 2.Appears spontaneous or unexpected 3.It’s the personal touch 4.Makes customers feel valued 5.It’s genuine 6.Creates a talking point
3D Demonstrated!
Foster ‘Devotion’ Through Consistency!
High Expectations Low Expectations A ‘Poor’ Experience A ‘Great’ Experience ‘Devoted’ ‘Delighted’ ‘Disappointed’ ‘Disaffected’
Approach customers with a personalized warm welcome Probe politely to understand all the customer’s needs Present a solution for the customer to take home today Listen for and resolve any issues or concerns End with a fond farewell and an invitation to return 3D Demonstrated!
Rub up your customers the wrong way Yes, go on, all the way Apathy is encouraged Never bother to try and make them smile Approach them with indifference Infer it’s them who are the problem Remember, we’re right behind you to help you do this 3D unDemonstrated!
“ There may be 50 ways to leave your lover, but there are only 4 ways out of this airplane” “Your bags will be available on carrousel x. If you do not find them, they will be available in 2-3 weeks on eBay” “ In order to enhance the appearance of your flight crew, we will be dimming the cabin lights” 3D Demonstrated!
“We entrust every single Ritz-Carlton staff member, without approval from their general manager, to spend up to $2,000 on a guest. And that's not per year. It's per incident” Simon F Cooper, President Ritz Carlton
3D Demonstrated!
Some More Questions For YOU!
Dramatic Difference ? What is your... How do you... Demonstrate it
Choose ‘em or lose
Establish A ‘Dramatic Difference’!
Demonstrate Your ‘Dramatic Difference’!
‘iDea 4’... Bonus!!!
Take action, not notes!
What are you going to DO?
today only £9.99! Normal Price: £ £1.20 p&p 320 pages with real insights into The 7 Characteristics of 3D Businesses Outlines of ‘Dramatically and Demonstrably Different’ Businesses who have done it, and are still doing it Practical examples of what works (and doesn’t!) An opportunity to see how your business measures up Stimulating ideas and practical steps that you can actually take to make it work in your business
All attendees today get FREE access to our innovative online 3D Diagnostic Tool! Normal price £9.99 Rate your business against the ingredients that make up the 7 Characteristics Receive a personalised report direct to your inbox based on your responses Unlimited access – see what your colleagues think and revisit it whenever suits! It’s a great accompaniment to the book! And it’s FREE to friends of !
Andy’s 3D Thoughts iDeas in 3 minutes in your inbox every Monday morning to help you Think in 3D !
Talk to me!!! Chat Today!
“Vision without action is hallucination ” Thomas Edison
“Take the first step in faith. You do not have to see the whole staircase. Just take the first step” Martin Luther King
“Scare yourself, otherwise you’re not doing anything new ” Mary Murphy Hoye, Head Of R & D, Intel
“Don’t just stand there….. do something!” Dick Dastardly
So... what are you going to Do?
People can be divided into three groups
Those who make things happen Those who watch things happen Those who ask ‘what happened’?
get my slides and other resources andyhanselmanconsulting andyhanselman