+ Metric System Review You have been doing this since at least 6 th grade, so hopefully this will be an easy way to start…
+ Flashback to Fractions: What is the answer to this multiplication? * = ?
+ Flashback to Fractions (Part II) The answer is: * = Remember that numbers on both the top and bottom of fractions can be cancelled!
+ How does this help us convert? We will use the concept of canceling multiplied fractions to help us convert units By canceling units like fractions, we will convert correctly This technique is called “Dimensional Analysis” (converting by looking at units, not numbers) let’s do a couple examples!
+ Simple Example How many inches is 472 feet? We know that 1 foot = 12 inches I will set up my conversion factor in the form of a fraction I will use that fraction to multiply my measurement to convert the unit
+ Flashback to Fractions: 472 feet = 5660 inches 12inches * 1 foo t *Notice that by creating a fraction out of my conversion factor that I can cancel the unit of “feet” *By canceling the “feet”, I am left with “inches”, which is what I want my answer to be!
+ Metric Unit Conversions PrefixSymbol# of base unit in 1:Multiplier Giga-G1,000,000,000x10 9 Mega-M1,000,000x10 6 Kilo-k1,000x10 3 PrefixSymbol# in 1 base unitMultiplier Centi-c100x10 -2 Milli-m1000x10 -3 Micro- μ 1,000,000x10 -6 Nano-n1,000,000,000x10-9 Pico-p1,000,000,000,000x10 -12
+ Conversion Examples: convert the following measurements to the base unit: ms kg pm
+ Multiplier Examples kg ms Gm = 8.5 x 10 3 g = 2.75 x s =15 x 10 9 m = 1.5 x m