Source: IEA report “Energy to 2050 – Scenario for a Sustainable Future (2003)” The role of Nuclear power in Europe The Bulgarian context World - Future Energy Choices
The role of Nuclear power in Europe The Bulgarian context World – СО 2 emissions
Bulgaria - Energy Dependency Energy dependency, total% Energy dependency, coal% Energy dependency, crude oil % 99,599,399, ,399,499,5 Energy dependency, natural gas%99,399,299,699,3 99,589,3 The role of Nuclear power in Europe The Bulgarian context
Bulgaria - СО2 emissions in relative shares compared to GHG/GDPkg/EUR 1,711,531,411,351,241,301,25 GHG per capitatСО 2 е/cap.8,357,857,888,097,898,668,68
The role of Nuclear power in Europe The Bulgarian context Bulgaria - Energy intensity tendency Industry Transport Services Agriculture Households Sectoral intensities Final Energy Consumption by Sectors
The role of Nuclear power in Europe The Bulgarian context Energy scenarios Bulgaria - Low carbon tendency Electricity supply Existing fossil power plants CHP, renewable and new fossil
The role of Nuclear power in Europe The Bulgarian context Energy Scenarios - environmental constraints
Today's energy intensity of the economy is twice lower than at the beginning of the transition in 1989 The role of Nuclear power in Europe The Bulgarian context Bulgaria today – three good and three bad news Today's CO 2 emissions are twice lower than the country commitment under Kyoto Today’s energy intensity is still 1,83 higher than the EU27 average Today’s 48% dependency is just from one source Further expansion of fossil fuels use will breach commitments in post Kyoto period Today's energy independency is 52%, better than the EU27 average
E uropean countries, and the European Union member states in particular, must seriously consider including the nuclear option in their energy policies. This implies improving public awareness about the energy issues, providing factual information and conducting comprehensive and efficient communication campaigns. The European members of the World Energy Council (WEC) are ready and willing to work together with all stakeholders to ensure a facts-based, balanced and unbiased approach to the assessment of the nuclear option as a part of WEC’s strategy of keeping all energy sources open. The role of Nuclear power in Europe The Bulgarian context WEC S TUDY C ONCLUSIONS
The role of Nuclear power in Europe The Bulgarian context Europeans and Nuclear Safety (Special Eurobarometer, 02’2007) Option: Nuclear energy ensures lower and more stable energy prices
The role of Nuclear power in Europe The Bulgarian context Еuropeans and Nuclear Safety (Special Eurobarometer, 02’2007) Option: Nuclear energy helps to make us less dependent on fuel imports, such as gas and oil
The role of Nuclear power in Europe The Bulgarian context Еuropeans and Nuclear Safety (Special Eurobarometer, 02’2007) Option: Nuclear energy helps to limit global warming
March 2007 Sofia, Bulgaria Thank you for your attention!