of Effective Networks in Education Essential Features of Effective Networks in Education Santiago Rincón-Gallardo OISE, University of Toronto Michael Fullan Enterprises @SRinconGallardo
Think about the team or network you are most involved in or familiar with. What has been its most important contribution to yourself or to others? What is one key area where it could get better?
Game plan for today 8 Essential Features of Effective Networks A New Partnership between Central Leadership and Networks
Turn and Talk Find a person next to you and share: Your type of network, its most important contribution, and one key area of improvement How did your answers compare to your colleague’s responses?
Effective Networks Deepen student learning and engagement Enhance the profesional capital of teachers and leaders Become a force of whole system improvement
Essential Features of Effective Networks in Education Frequent Connection Outwards Adequate Resources New Partnerships Flat Leadership Structure Collaborative Inquiry Trust + Internal Accountability AMBITIOUS LEARNING + Effective Pedagogy Constant Interaction Inwards Rincón-Gallardo & Fullan, 2016
Self-assessing your own network Complete the reflection survey based on the self-assessment of your own network. Rate your network using the scale: Seldom Sometimes Often [Almost] Always Give evidence for your rating. Pick one of the 8 Essential Features you’d like your own network to get better at this year. Essential Features of Effective Networks in Education 1 2 3 4 Evidence i. Focusing on ambitious student learning outcomes linked to effective pedagogy ii. Developing strong relationships of trust and internal accountability iii. Continuously improving practice and systems through cycles of collaborative inquiry iv. Using deliberate leadership and skilled facilitation with flat power structures v. Frequently interacting and learning inwards vi. Connecting outwards to learn from others vii. Forming new partnerships among students, teachers, families, and communities viii. Securing adequate resources to sustain the work.
Essential Features of Effective Networks in Education 1 2 3 4 Evidence i. Focusing on ambitious student learning outcomes linked to effective pedagogy ii. Developing strong relationships of trust and internal accountability iii. Continuously improving practice and systems through cycles of collaborative inquiry iv. Using deliberate leadership and skilled facilitation with flat power structures v. Frequently interacting and learning inwards vi. Connecting outwards to learn from others vii. Forming new partnerships among students, teachers, families, and communities viii Securing adequate resources to sustain the work.
Consulting trio Form a trio with people you don’t interact with often. Letter off A, B, C. Consulting Round 1. A presents to B and C key identified area of improvement for her own network in 1 minute. B and C offers best posible advice – 2 minutes each. Consulting Round 2. B presents to C and A key identified area of improvement for her own network in 1 minute. C and A offers best posible advice – 2 minutes each. Consulting Round 3. C presents to A and B key identified area of improvement for her own network in 1 minute. A and B offers best posible advice – 2 minutes each.
Consulting Trio The key area of growth for my own network: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Solutions/suggestions: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________
Networks and Central Leadership: A New Partnership From… To… Supply-driven Demand-driven Compliance-oriented Learning-oriented Bureaucracy Movement In what ways is a new partnership of this kind developing in your district? What are three actions you could take in the next month to cultivate a partnership of this kind? Rincón-Gallardo & Fullan, 2016
Thank you! santiago.rincon.gallardo@utoronto.ca @SRinconGallardo http://utoronto.academia.edu/RinconGallardoSantiago