YOUNGER ONSET DEMENTIA Joanna Middleton Younger Onset Dementia Key worker, Loddon Mallee Alzheimer’s Australia Vic.
ALZHEIMER’S AUSTRALIA VIC YOUNGER ONSET DEMENTIA KEY WORKER PROGRAM A single point of contact to assist young people with dementia and their carers navigate the health care and other relevant systems associated with their care Keyworkers throughout Australia Federally funded Loddon Mallee worker based in Bendigo
WHAT WE DO Individual needs identified, client focused goal setting and plan developed Up-to-date information and resources Tailored support and counselling for clients and families / carers Information and education for professionals Peer support and social opportunities Help with linking to community activities
CONTACT DETAILS Jo Middleton Younger Onset Dementia Key worker Phone: Mobile:
ALZHEIMERS AUSTRALIA VIC National Dementia Helpline or visit