Write Now Juniors: Please write on your index card WHY you are in the IB Diploma programme Juniors: Please write on your index card WHY you are in the IB Diploma programme Parents: Please write on your index card WHY your son/daughter is in the IB Diploma programme Parents: Please write on your index card WHY your son/daughter is in the IB Diploma programme Please drop these cards in the respective baskets on the way out tonight. Thank you! Please drop these cards in the respective baskets on the way out tonight. Thank you!
IB Junior Information Night Laura Pereira, IB Coordinator
The MHS IB Team Coordinator: Mrs. Laura Pereira Coordinator: Mrs. Laura Pereira Theory of Knowledge/Extended Essay Theory of Knowledge/Extended Essay Mrs. Molly Oehrlein Mrs. Molly Oehrlein Mr. Bruce Taterka Mr. Bruce Taterka Creativity, Action and Service (CAS) Creativity, Action and Service (CAS) Ms. Caitlin Dziublenski Ms. Caitlin Dziublenski Ms. Kathleen Tucky Ms. Kathleen Tucky
Why IB? Concurrency of Learning Concurrency of Learning Internationalism Internationalism Academic Integrity Academic Integrity Breadth and Depth of Study Breadth and Depth of Study Education of the Whole Person Education of the Whole Person
The IB at Mendham HS Given “World School” status in 1998 Given “World School” status in 1998 One of 14 other IB World Schools in NJ One of 14 other IB World Schools in NJ 2-year program: 11 th and 12 th grades 2-year program: 11 th and 12 th grades Prerequisite courses taken in 9 th and/or 10 th grade Prerequisite courses taken in 9 th and/or 10 th grade 63 IB Diploma candidates in IB Diploma candidates in students sat for at least one of 31 different exams May students sat for at least one of 31 different exams May 2015
Diploma vs. Certificate? ALL students are invited to participate in IB ALL students are invited to participate in IB Students may participate in full diploma program (Diploma Candidate) Students may participate in full diploma program (Diploma Candidate)or Students may sit for individual subject certificates (Certificate Candidate) Students may sit for individual subject certificates (Certificate Candidate)
The Certificate Student Completes ALL internal and external assessments for the course Completes ALL internal and external assessments for the course May choose to sit for the exam May choose to sit for the exam Will receive certificate from IBO in each subject they sit for an exam Will receive certificate from IBO in each subject they sit for an exam Can apply for college credit or advanced standing Can apply for college credit or advanced standing DOES NOT take TOK, fulfill CAS, nor write EE DOES NOT take TOK, fulfill CAS, nor write EE
The Diploma Candidate Six IB areas of study (hexagon) Six IB areas of study (hexagon) 3 (or no more than 4) Higher Level HL courses 3 (or no more than 4) Higher Level HL courses 3 (or 2) Standard Level SL courses 3 (or 2) Standard Level SL courses Completes the Internal Assessment (IA) for the course Completes the Internal Assessment (IA) for the course Sits for all 6 exams (up to 2 SL in May of 11 th grade) Sits for all 6 exams (up to 2 SL in May of 11 th grade) Central Elements Central Elements Completes Theory of Knowledge (TOK) course Completes Theory of Knowledge (TOK) course Submits an original Extended Essay (EE) Submits an original Extended Essay (EE) Completes a Creativity, Action, Service (CAS) experience Completes a Creativity, Action, Service (CAS) experience
What is CAS? Old: A total of 150 hours divided among 3 categories completed over 2 years Old: A total of 150 hours divided among 3 categories completed over 2 years New: Focus on Service Learning on a regular basis, over 18 months New: Focus on Service Learning on a regular basis, over 18 months Creativity Creativity Activity Activity Service Service CAS Project (new!) CAS Project (new!) Achieve 7 Learning Outcomes Achieve 7 Learning Outcomes Reflection Reflection Portfolio Portfolio
7 Learning Outcomes for CAS 1. Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth 2. Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process 3. Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience 4. Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences 5. Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively 6. Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance 7. Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions
What is TOK? A course called Theory of Knowledge A course called Theory of Knowledge Areas of Knowledge (AOK) Areas of Knowledge (AOK) Ways of Knowing (WOK) Ways of Knowing (WOK) Students get pulled out of their physical education class once per 4-day cycle Students get pulled out of their physical education class once per 4-day cycle
What is the EE? A student’s original Extended Essay A student’s original Extended Essay An in-depth study and college-level paper of a topic chosen by the student An in-depth study and college-level paper of a topic chosen by the student Supervised by a school mentor Supervised by a school mentor No more than 4000 words No more than 4000 words Approximately 40 hours Approximately 40 hours Graded via IB Rubric of student determination Graded via IB Rubric of student determination
What can IB do for ME? Provide the student with an entry-level college experience Provide the student with an entry-level college experience Prepare the student to think and analyze information at a high level Prepare the student to think and analyze information at a high level Provide the student with the most challenging and rigorous curriculum at Mendham Provide the student with the most challenging and rigorous curriculum at Mendham Possibly provide the student with advanced standing in a college program and/or possible college credit Possibly provide the student with advanced standing in a college program and/or possible college credit
Is the IB for ME? A serious IB student MUST be: ORGANIZEDandMOTIVATED
Cost of the IB Program at MHS One-time Registration Fee: $164 One-time Registration Fee: $164 Individual Exam Fee: $113 Individual Exam Fee: $113 The cost of a full diploma in is $842 IB exam registration for May 2016 exams is due October 20!
Useful Information IB Handbook (available at IB Handbook (available at My Haiku (link through My Haiku (link through IBO Site ( IBO Site ( College Recognition ( College Recognition ( MHS IB Boosters MHS IB Boosters Grace Chu Grace Chu
Upcoming Dates Deadline to register: October 20! Deadline to register: October 20! To Be or Not to IB (November 10) To Be or Not to IB (November 10) IB Recognition Ceremony (December 22) IB Recognition Ceremony (December 22)
IB Boosters Parent volunteers Parent volunteers Led by: Led by: Co-Chairs (or Chair) Co-Chairs (or Chair) Secretary Secretary Treasurer Treasurer Operate mainly via meetings and s Operate mainly via meetings and s Work in collaboration with IB Coordinator and Superintendent Work in collaboration with IB Coordinator and Superintendent
IB Boosters Remit Dedicated to enrichment and tangible support to our IB students Dedicated to enrichment and tangible support to our IB students Continue to strengthen Mendham’s IB Program Continue to strengthen Mendham’s IB Program Increase awareness to parents and wider community Increase awareness to parents and wider community
Accomplishments Purchase IB Exam Study Guides Purchase IB Exam Study Guides Help establish dedicated area in Library and binders for all IB materials/exam guides Help establish dedicated area in Library and binders for all IB materials/exam guides Secure guest speakers (Peter van Buskirk) Secure guest speakers (Peter van Buskirk) Support IB events (IB Showcase) Support IB events (IB Showcase) Host IB Recognition Ceremony Host IB Recognition Ceremony Host social events for IB student Host social events for IB student Sponsored IB Scholarships Sponsored IB Scholarships 1 or 2 fundraisers 1 or 2 fundraisers