HHS REGISTRATION FOR What Students Need to Know
Homeroom February 3 rd Homeroom February 3 rd to get materials Curriculum guide, colored course request sheets, and a copy of this presentation FYI: This PowerPoint presentation can be found online on the HHS Counselors’ website, Facebook, or Twitter for future reference and will link to Google documents you may wish to review. HHS Website Staff Counselors Useful Links & Documents Facebook: Hickory High School Counselors
Rising 10 th – 12 th Grade Registration Rising 10 th – 12 th grade registration is scheduled for February 8 – March 4. This is subject to change based on counselor & student availability. Your counselor will be sending you a note of your scheduled time to be seen for registration. Please have your course requests ready by February 8 th to be prepared for your appointment. Please do not worry if you have not been called for registration until after March 4 th.
TOMORROW: February 4th: Evening Registration Events HHS has a jam packed night filled with events for registration for rising 9 th -12 th graders. At 5:30, we will have a Curriculum Fair for you & your parents to get info on course options in all subjects, followed by a 6:00 presentation from counselors on what you need to know for registration. At 6:45, we will host our 2 nd Annual HHS Academic Rigor Interest Session. This is an excellent opportunity for students & parents to learn info on all your academic rigor options for the school year. Representatives from each AP and IB class, as well as representatives from Lenoir- Rhyne and CVCC will be present to inform you about their course offerings and answer any questions you have.
AP & IB Interest Meetings during SMART Lunch In case you are not able to come Thursday night, we will have AP & IB info sessions during SMART Lunches. (They have been rescheduled to next week since we aren’t having SMART Lunch this week.) Your AP Info session will be during either lunch next Tuesday (Feb. 9 th ) in the Counseling office. Your IB info session will be during either lunch next Wednesday (Feb. 10 th ) in Mrs. Sharpe’s room, Rm 246.
Course Request Sheets One side has all the options you have next school year in your upcoming grade level. If a course is pre-determined to ONLY be offered a certain semester, that will be listed beside the course name. * beside course name = teacher recommendation preferred + beside course name = course has pre-requisite(s) # beside course name = course requires an application x2 beside course name = Must be taken all year & will take up 2 out of your 8 classes on the course request sheet You need to complete the other side with your course requests AND alternates by your registration appointment time, which could be as early as February 8 th. So BE READY! Remember: Courses will only reach the master schedule if at least 15 students register and are enrolled in the course. So if you want a course to “make,” you may need to help recruit for the course.
Course Request Sheets Complete this section out entirely. Correct contact information is needed in case we need to contact you regarding schedule changes over the summer. READ THE INSTRUCTIONS! “Please list your 3 alternate courses in the order that you would prefer them. There is always a chance you will be scheduled for an alternate choice of yours; therefore, make sure you only list alternate courses that you would not mind taking.”
Course Request Sheets Complete this section out entirely, including 3 alternate courses (courses you would not mind being scheduled for if one of your others are unavailable). You MAY be registered for one or more of your alternates, if necessary due to scheduling conflicts. So make sure they are classes you do not mind being scheduled for! If you sign up for a class as an alternate, and are scheduled for it, you cannot come out of it. It will be as if you signed up for the course. PRIORITIZE YOUR ALTERNATES. 1 st alternate = 1 st choice, etc. During your registration appointment, let your counselor know if you wish to replace a SPECIFIC course with an alternate if your original request is unavailable.
Signatures Required Do you want to take an Honors, AP, or IB course next year? You must have a teacher in that subject sign off approving you for each Honors level course. If you do not have a teacher signing off, agreeing you can take a higher level course, then your parent can sign the TOP signature line, allowing you to take the course(s) without a teacher signature. By doing this, you are preventing yourself from being able to be taken out of the course if you decide it is too difficult. You MUST have a parent signature in the bottom section to complete registration.
Grading & GPA Scales Reminder of the new grading scale that went into effect in the school year The GPA & grading scale is effective for ALL grades It is a 10-point grading scale (vs. our current 7-point scale) with the following corresponding GPA: A = 90 – 100 = 4.0 GPA B = 80 – 89 = 3.0 GPA C = 70 – 79 = 2.0 GPA D = 60 – 69 = 1.0 GPA F = Below 60 = 0.0 GPA
GPA Weighting For Students who entered 9 th grade PRIOR TO For Students Who Enter 9 th Grade in Type of Course Additional GPA Weight Type of Course Additional GPA Weight Honors1.0 Honors0.5 College Course (LR, CVCC) 1.0 College Course (LR, CVCC) 1.0 International Baccalaureate (IB) 2.0 International Baccalaureate (IB) 1.0 Advanced Placement (AP)2.0 Advanced Placement (AP)1.0 Effective the school year, the following types of courses are weighted with the following number of quality points: Current Sophomores, Juniors, & SeniorsCurrent Freshmen & 8 th Grade Students
New Courses! Biotechnology Honors (pg. 41) for grades AP Physics 1 (pg. 42) for grades This will replace Physics Honors. Music Theory Honors (pg. 47) for grades 9-12 This will replace Music Specialization Honors. Principles of Family & Human Services (pg. 58) for grades 9-11 This will replace Teen Living.
Course Recommendations Most higher level courses have “Highly Recommended” under their prerequisites. This means that it is not a REQUIRED prerequisite, but that it is STRONGLY recommended that you have passed certain courses prior to registering for these higher level courses, and/or made certain grades in those previous courses. Example: Microsoft Excel & Access Honors has no required prerequisite, but it is strongly recommended that you have passed Microsoft Word & PowerPoint prior to signing up for Excel & Access Honors.
Dual-Enrollment at HCAM Students at HHS can take courses at HCAM as long as they have met the prerequisite(s). Some classes have no prerequisite. Transportation will be provided. There are course options for rising 9 th and 10 th graders in areas of Public Safety (if you are interested in Firefighting or EMT), Photography, and Graphic Design. There are LOTS of course options for rising 11 th and 12 th grade students in: Cosmetology Criminal Justice: Forensics Public Safety (Firefighter, EMT) Advertising & Graphic Design Photography Culinary Arts Click here for a list of course offerings, and their pre-requisites. (Link will be updated & available online once we get the full list of courses.) Include which HCAM class(es) you wish to request on your colored course request sheet for registration. See your counselor with any questions.
IB (For rising Juniors only) You may request ANY IB class offered – Math, English, Biology, History, TOK, Electives, Foreign Language – provided that you’ve completed the prerequisites for the course(s) IB classes will still be year-long skinnies, and will still be required to take both your Junior & Senior years. This will allow you to request to take a combination of your choosing between IB, AP, college, or Honors-level courses.
Spanish for Native Speakers Do you need to sign up for a foreign language next year? Do you want to take Spanish? Do you already speak Spanish? Then consider registering for Spanish for Native Speakers 1 & Spanish for Native Speakers 2 Honors! The perk is you will get an Honors credit for the 2 nd part!
Curriculum Guide Updates: You may see Teen Living in the Career Clusters section of the Curriculum Guide. Please dismiss it, as Teen Living will no longer be taught. Lenoir-Rhyne’s new contact person (pg. 32) is Bradleigh Uthe. You can reach her at
THANK YOU! Ms. Lovelace (A-E) Ms. Kummer (F-Li) Mr. Pait (Ll-Rh) Mrs. Mullen (Ri-Z)