PREPARING AND POULTRY PROCESSING Skill Study Competence: Art and Tourism Skill Program competence: Culinary Skill Competence: Cookery Standard Competence: Processing continental dishes Basic Competence:
Generally, poultry that used in cooking are chicken, duck, turkey, goose and birds. Essentially, the composition of poultry is equal with meat, it is water 75%, protein 20%, fat 5% and other elements. A. Meaning of poultry
1.Chicken a.Poussen, chicken age 4 – 6 weeks, used for roasting and grilling b.Pouted rein, kinds of broiler which mellow meat and usually baked in oven, used for roasting, grilling, sauté, casserole dish, supreme, and pie. c.Pouparde, adult chicken, used for roasting, broiling, and galantine. d.Chapon, broiler and contain fat, used for roasting. B. Classification of poultry
1.Chicken a.Poussen, chicken age 4 – 6 weeks, used for roasting and grilling b.Pouted rein, kinds of broiler which mellow meat and usually baked in oven, used for roasting, grilling, sauté, casserole dish, supreme, and pie. c.Pouparde, adult chicken, used for roasting, broiling, and galantine. d.Chapon, broiler and contain fat, used for roasting.
2.Goose a.Gooseling Age: 3–5 month Weight: 2–3 kg Used for: roasting, boiled 264 b.Goose Age: 6–9 month Weight: 3–7 kg Used for: Pot roasting, boiling
3.Turkey In Indonesia turkey as a domesticated animal, but in west country sold frozen and ready to baked. a.Young Turkey Age: 3–4 month Weight: 2–3 kg Cooking technique: roasting and frying
b.Yearling Turkey Age : 5–7 month Weight: 4–7 kg Cooking technique: roasting, grilling c.Large Turkey Age : >10 month Weight : >8kg Cooking technique: Boiling and stewing
4.Duck Duck breeding we just taken the eggs, but improbable the duck is butchered and the meat taken. Kinds of duck: bebek jawa, alabio duck, bali duck, manila duck, peking duck, howl duck etc.
5.Pigeon Pigeon or dove usually used young pigeon. Used for Chinese food, such as steamed food or frying dove.
Good quality poultry based on: 1.Meat more than another part 2.Meat texture is soft 3.Chest plump 4.Thigh soft 5.Fresh 6.Full carcass C. Quality of poultry
1.First things can be done to poultry 2.Tying without needle 3.Tying with needle 4.Tying feet 5.Double tying for large poultry (goose, duck and turkey D. Preparation of poultry processing
1.Slaughtering poultry based on roasting technique 2.Slaughtering poultry based on grilling technique 3.Slaughtering poultry based on sauting technique 4.Slaughtering poultry based on supreme technique 5.Slaughtering poultry based on stewing technique E. Technique of chicken and poultry slaughtering
Picture Carcass cutting F. activate the application
To keep the quality of poultry, there are several things that should be paid attention in storing, as follows: 1.Clean and wash the poultry 2.Put in refrigerator if the poultry will be cooked immediately. Put in freezer for long time usage. G. How to store poultry
H. Kinds of poultry dishes
Curry is kinds of food which use seasoning mixture and spices so that it has strong and spicy taste. Curry comes from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Srilangka and expand to Pacific Asia, and has been presented in England since 18 th century. Various kinds of seasoning and spices used for making curry they are coriander, pepper, chili, bell pep powder, white cumin, anise seed, turmeric, cinnamon, cardamom, mace/clove flowers, anise, curry leaves, and clove. Kinds of seasoning and spices that used depend on kinds of food and where the foods come. I. Meaning and history of curry
The term “curry” comes from Tamil Language meaning sauce or assorted of cooking vegetables and meat from south India that eaten with rice. In Western countries, ” curry” is mention in English for all South Asian cooking type South-East Asia and cooked by various flavor and spices Curry Powder is a mixture from various kinds of flavor and spices and for the first time made by England
Picture 14.2 Chicken Curry from India
1.Tamil food 2.Thailand food 3.Malaysian food 4.Indonesian food 5.Japan food J. Plying Curry dishes in various kinds of dish