2 1 Montezuma Quail ART
“Bird-Man of Lascaux” (17,000 yrs ago)
ART Egypt Cambodia 21 Australia
ART 22 Inca 23 Aztec
18 Pacific Northwest Inuit 24 Navajo 25 ART
DANCE Choctaw Eagle Dance 26 Taos Eagle Dance 27
DANCE 31 “Swan Lake”
FILMS 31 43
9 10 Great Auk FOOD 8 Neanderthal (50,000-90,000 yrs ago)
First Duck Decoys (3,500 to 1,000 years ago) FOOD (Lovelock Cave, Nevada) 11
FOOD Chicken Domestication: India: 3200 B.C. Egypt: 1500 B.C. (Red Junglefowl) 20
FOOD Cortes Expedition (1519)
“Ornithology” – Study of Birds 3
Aristotle (324 – 322 BC) 4
5 6 Aristotle: Nest Parasitism European Cuckoo (Cuculus canorus)
Aristotle: Migration 7
“THE ART OF FALCONRY” Emperor Frederick II of Hohenstaufen (1248)
Christopher Columbus (1492) Oct. 8 – There were many small Land-birds and {the sailors] took one which was flying to the south-west. There were jays, ducks, and a pelican. (Observations in the Bahamas)
Cabeza de Vaca (1528) (Observations in Florida) “Geese in great numbers. Ducks, mallards, royal ducks, flycatchers, night herons and Partridges abound. We saw many falcons, Gerfalcons, sparrowhawks, merlins”
Castenada ( ) Observed turkeys and eagles in Arizona Observed cranes, geese, crows, and blackbirds in New Mexico (Coronado Expedition)
John White (1585) (Roanoke, VA Colony) 34 Paints series of watercolors of birds (not shown)
William Bradford ( ) (Governor of Plymouth, MA colony) 33 Noted abundant wild turkey and waterfowl populations in 1621, decreases in waterfowl populations’ thereafter.
35 36 “The Ornithology of Francis Willughby” Francis Willughby (1678)
37 “The Natural History of Carolina, Florida, and the Bahama Islands” Mark Catesby ( ; )
Eagle proposed as Official Symbol of the United States (1776)
Benjamin Franklin wrote: I wish that the bald eagle had not been chosen as the representative of our country, he is a bird of bad moral character, he does not get his living honestly, you may have seen him perched on some dead tree, where, too lazy to fish for himself, he watches the labor of the fishing-hawk, and when that diligent bird has at length taken a fish, and is bearing it to its nest for the support of his mate and young ones, the bald eagle pursues him and takes it from him.... Besides he is a rank coward; the little kingbird, not bigger than a sparrow attacks him boldly and drives him out of the district. He is therefore by no means a proper emblem for the brave and honest... of America.... For a truth, the turkey is in comparison a much more respectable bird, and withal a true original native of America... a bird of courage, and would not hesitate to attack a grenadier of the British guards, who should presume to invade his farmyard with a red coat on
38 39 Alexander Wilson (early 1800s) “American Ornithology” (8 volumes) *320 Species of American Birds on 76 Plates (Crowded) *Detailed observations, notes on colors of fresh specimens, etc.
John James Audubon ( ) “Birds of America”(4 Volumes, 435 Engravings) Birds painted from fresh specimens Birds often painted in habitat context
51 52 Audubon’s Oriole Yellow-Rumped Warbler (Audubon’s Warbler)
44 45 Lewis and Clark Expedition (Early 1800s)
46 47 Lewis and Clark (Continued)
48 49 Lewis’s WoodpeckerClark’s Nutcracker
Additional Expeditions West (1800s) 53 52
55 Baird’s Sparrow Cassin’s Finch 54
American Ornithological Union (AOU) 56 (National Organization formed in 1883 by 23 men) Committee on Bird Migration Committee on Classification and Nomenclature Committee on Conservation Publish “The Auk”
61 AOU: Large Scale Collection of Census Data
69 70 AOU: Bird Banding
57 58 “Clark’s Grebe”“Western Grebe” OR AOU Decision
“Green Heron”, “Green-Backed Heron” “Northern Oriole”, “Baltimore Oriole” AOU Decision
62 AOU: Concern over Bird Population Decline Passenger Pigeon Carolina Parakeet
Audubon Society (Formed in late 1800s) 63 Similar to AOU Emphasis on Local Chapters Focus on Public Awareness Sponsor Christmas Bird Count Publish Audubon Magazine
64 65 Feather Ornamentation
66 Field Guides (Early 1900s) 68
67 Emphasis on Key Characteristics
Ornithology as an Academic Pursuit (Early 1900s) 71
74 Intraspecific Competition
Interspecific Competition, Niche Partitioning
Breeding Systems
Cooperative Breeding
Class Aves (Birds) ~ 9700 Species Worldwide ~31 Orders ~ 175 Families
Order Sphenisciformes (Penguins) Emperor Penguins dive up to 1600 ft and hold breaths for up to 15 minutes
Order Caprimulgiformes OIlbirds use echolocation to navigate within caves
Order Falconiformes Peregrine falcons can fly mph!
Order Falconiformes Ruppell’s Vulture can soar up to 37,000 ft
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33 Fac_To1877ChapterDocFiles/ChapterImages/Ch3Bradford.jpg 34 PomeiockCLR(1460x1430).jpg 35 /a/a9/300px-Francis-Willughby-001.jpg 36 willughby3-1.jpg b/b7/230px-Wilson_Alexander_ jpg 39
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