Damec Research Aps POIWG Meeting, July 2011 Upcoming Damec Operations by Thomas A. E. Andersen 1
Damec Research Aps POIWG Meeting, July 2011 Damec Operations Overview ExperimentPayloadLocation CARD PFS (HRF-2), Holter, Columbus Urine & Blood kits EnergyPFS (HRF-2), Urine & Water Kits SensewearColumbus+ Portable PFS Portable PFSUS Lab Maintenance Thermolab & VO2maxPortable PFS & ThermolabUS Lab Sprint (Port. PFS part)Portable PFS & ThermolabUS Lab Vessel ImagingUltrasound 2 (HRF-1)Columbus (with ICV) Vessel Imaging Kit Space HeadachesQuestionaireSoyuz+ISS Circadian Rythms Thermolab ISS
Damec Research Aps POIWG Meeting, July 2011 PFS Operations PFS Operations Update
Damec Research Aps POIWG Meeting, July 2011 PFS & Hardware Last ½ of old RVU came down on STS- 135 Next activity is PFS PAM ORU Exchange Next planned use of PFS is for CARD & Energy (Subject A. Kuipers) 4
Damec Research Aps POIWG Meeting, July 2011 PFS Gas Calibration failure during CARD experiment 5 Issues: PFS PAM Slave Analyser is not functioning Severe and unpredictable noise/random events on all gas signals This means that the PFS is not usuable for Card and Energy experiments Consequences: Replace PAM ORU in orbit with FM1 PAM Improved Vibration dampers and Launch locks have been implemented After the PAM Exchange a PFS Health Check is performed Origin: The issues are inside the PAM ORU PAM Slave IR source is dead. Either the microprocessor in the PAM periodically receives erratic data from the internal sensors or the microprocessor interprets the received data incorrectly.
Damec Research Aps POIWG Meeting, July 2011 Inside PFM/PAM 6 DMU PAM PFM Electronic Box GMS (Below PAM)
Damec Research Aps POIWG Meeting, July 2011 PAM removal and replacement 7 Release the four captive Mounting Screws (use PFS 5/32” Hex T-Key )
Damec Research Aps POIWG Meeting, July 2011 New PAM 8 PFS PAM Caps Kapton tape in launch config.Kapton tape to cover Launch Lock holes
Damec Research Aps POIWG Meeting, July 2011 Return of old PAM 9 Trash PFS PAM Launch Lock Reinstall PFS PAM Caps on Old PAM Pack old PAM in PFS PAM kit for return Return vehicle TBD
Damec Research Aps POIWG Meeting, July 2011 CARD 10 Same as CARD operations and setup (with Damec and Cadmos) as for previous CARD sessions CARD PFS Consumables Kit 2s in orbit Next planned subject A. Kuipers
Damec Research Aps POIWG Meeting, Jan 25-27, 2011 Energy 11 Subjects are A. Kuipers & D. Petit Ctr. Subject is D. Petit DLW upload on UFL-7 Other upload on Progress 45P
Damec Research Aps POIWG Meeting, July 2011 Portable PFS Operations Portable PFS Operations Update
Damec Research Aps POIWG Meeting, July 2011 Portable PFS Hardware Continued operations in orbit VO2max & Thermolab continues with R. Garan & M. Fossum Next activites: Maintenance calibration (before Dec) 13
Damec Research Aps POIWG Meeting, July Portable PFS Maintenance Calibration Must be before End Dec 2011 EAC training continues HW launched on 44P PODF is completed
Damec Research Aps POIWG Meeting, July 2011 Portable PFS 15 Calibration Interface Calibration Cable Calibration Hose MPP Calibration Sensor It is the reference for the calibration of MPP
Damec Research Aps POIWG Meeting, July 2011 Thermolab In conjunction with VO2max In-flight sessions continues with M. Fossum & R. Garan 16
Damec Research Aps POIWG Meeting, July 2011 Appearing on the Horizon 17
Damec Research Aps POIWG Meeting, July 2011 Vessel Imaging 18 Next subject: S. Furukawa (FD- 135) PODF update in progress for Ultrasound 2
Damec Research Aps POIWG Meeting, July 2011 Space Headaches First Subjects: A. Kuiper & D. Pettit Daily questionnaire during the first week on-orbit, there after with weekly intervals. 19
Damec Research Aps POIWG Meeting, July 2011 Circadian Rhythms Possible first subjects: S. Williams & S. Hoshide Reuse of Thermolab Hardware In-flight sessions of 36 hours 20
Damec Research Aps POIWG Meeting, Jan 25-27, 2011 Abbreviations ARMS Advanced Respiratory Monitoring System BDCBaseline Data Collection BDCMBaseline Data Collection Model BPBlood Pressure CBPDContinuous Blood Pressure Device CDLCardiolab CCSDSConsultive/Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems CEVISCycle Ergometer with Vibration Isolation System COL-CCColumbus Control Center CSWCentralized Software DIMSDigital Imaging System DKDenmark ECGElectrocardiogram EHSEnhanced HOSC system ESAEuropean Space Agency EPMEuropean Physiology Modules FNFlight Note FRCFacility Responsible Center FSFlight Spare FSCFacility Support Center FSLFluid Science Laboratory GASMAPGas Analysis System for Metabolic Analysis of Physiology GDSGas Delivery System GSEGround Support System H&SHealth & Status HLSHuman Life Science HRFHuman Research Facility HWHardware ICDInterface Control Document IGSInterconnected ground Subnet iPVInternational procedure Viewer JSCJohnson Space Center KSCKennedy Space Center LANLocal Area Network LISLead Increment Scientist LSDSLife Science Data Standard LBNPLower Body Negative Pressure MCC-HMission Control Center - Houston MPVManual Procedure Viewer MSFCMarshall Space Flight center OPPS OPSOperations PAMPhoto Acoustic Module PARPayload Anomaly Report PFM Pulmonary Function Module PFEPhysical Fitness Evaluation PFSPulmonary Function System PLHSPayload Health and Status PODFPayload Operations Data File POICPayload Operations Integration Center QMQualification Model RMSRespiratory Monitoring System RSRussian Segment SSweden SWSoftware SOC Shuttle Operations Coordinator TMTraining model TBDTo be Decided TSCTelescience Support Center USUnited States USOCUser Support and Operations Center VPNVirtual private Network 21