The Church: Christ in the World Today
Vocabulary diocese: A specific community of believers under the leadership of a bishop, also known as a “particular” or “local” Church. It is usually determined on the basis of geography but may also be determined by language or culture. liturgy: The Church’s official, public, communal prayer. It is God’s work, in which the People of God participate. The Church’s most important liturgy is the Eucharist, or the Mass.
foreshadow: to represent or prefigure a person before his or her life or an event before it occurs.
The Origin of the Church The Meaning of “Church” Can refer to the building A parish An ecclesial community The Catholic Church
Defining Church The New Testament Greek word translated as church is ekklesia. Ekklesia- related to the word ekkalein meaning to “call out” Refers to an “assembly of people called together by God.
Three Meanings of Church in Christian Usage The entire community of the People of God around the world The diocese or archdiocese-the local community The community assembled for liturgy These meanings of church are all interconnected.
“The Church draws her life from the word and the Body of Christ and so herself becomes Christ’s Body.” (CCC)
A Part of the Divine Plan from the Beginning Jesus established the Church when he proclaimed and ushered in the Kingdom of God. The Father had always planned to call together a holy people to form Church, even before the Church was instituted. The call to covenant relationship with the people of Israel was preparation for the establishment of the Church.
God’s Covenant with Israel The gathering of the people of Israel foreshadows the future gathering of all nations into one People of God.
Jesus is the fulfillment of the Sinai Covenant. He transformed the Law engraved on stone and engraved it on his heart. Jesus reveals the true meaning of the Law. He is the “covenant of the people.” (Isaiah 42:6)
Jesus initiates the New Covenant at the Last Supper
Images of the Church Drawn From Hebrew Bible (OT) Images Flock of sheep (Psalm 77:20)/(Luke 12:32) A vineyard (Isaiah 50)/(john 15:5) Israel’s Temple (stones) which form a “spiritual house” (1 Peter 2:5); The community as the Temple of God (1Cor 3:16, 2 Cor 6:16); with Christ as the cornerstone (1 Peter 2;7, Matthew 21:42).
Christ Instituted the Church Jesus Preached the Kingdom of God At the appointed time, Jesus Christ, the eternal Word of the Father, became human and lived among us on earth. The mystery of the human and divine nature in one Person is called the Incarnation
He preached, “the Kingdom of God is at hand (Mark 1:15) Drew upon the OT hope announced by prophets of a coming age when God’s will would be done on earth. Jesus message for all, but especially the poor. People judged by their care of the poor (hungry, thirsty, etc. -Matthew 25:31-46)
Jesus’ words and actions, miracles and healings, were signs. The Kingdom had already begun on earth.
Jesus Gave Himself fully for the Church Church established by Jesus’ sacrificial gift of self fulfilled on the cross Anticipated in his words at the institution of the Eucharist (“This is my body…” Luke 22:19) Expressed his self-giving for the sake of all humankind
Jesus Sent His Disciples Gathered and sent to preach the Kingdom To make disciples of the nations Calling all to join Christ’s Church Disciples became the Church, he true family of Jesus. The seed and beginning of the Kingdom on earth
In the Eucharist In a mystical way, we share in Christ’s sacrifice We also share in the grace given by his sacrifice to the Church The Church proclaims that the Sacrament also increases the unity of the People of God and enables us to share in the divine life.
Structure of the Church: Set Up by Jesus Jesus and his appointment of the Twelve Apostles as leaders of the community sets the template for the future structure of the Church. Peter has a special role as head Apostles sent out to build Church and proclaim the faith. Given the power to act in his place Structure and hierarchy of the Church established
The Twelve Apostles reflect the Twelve Tribes of Israel, God’s Chosen People. This inauguration of the Church recalls Jewish hope in the re-grouping of the Twelve Tribes scattered in exile.
The Holy Spirit and the Church Introducing the Spirit First appears in the first Creation account: appears as a mighty wind Appears throughout the OT The Spirit’s greatest participation in the work of salvation begins with the Incarnation (Luke 27-35) Fully revealed at the Pentecost event (Acts 2:1-4)
The Holy Spirit and Christ Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit possessed a common mission since the beginning of time. The Spirit however was full revealed when poured out on the Church by Jesus at Pentecost after his death, Resurrection, and Ascension.
Mission of the Holy Spirit The mission of Jesus and the Holy Spirit are united and inseparable Although Revelation and salvation are the common work of the Holy Spirit The Holy Spirit is the principal agent of the Church’s mission Because Christ served the poor, so too must the Church
The Church is a Sign of Unity Through the power of the Holy Spirit, the Church carries out its mission to bring all people into union with the Trinity. Why? Because people only live in harmony with one another when they are in union with God. The Church is a sign and instrument of the unity, the final and eternal perfection in which we will truly be in union with The Triune God.
Pentecost: The Church Revealed to the World The Church, revealed on Pentecost, is a means to this communion. Communion refers to the reception of the Body and Blood of Christ. In general, it refers to one’s companionship and union with Jesus and other baptized Christians in the Church. This union has its high point in the celebration of Eucharist.
The Day of Pentecost The Feast of Weeks, or Pentecost, fifty days after Passover Jesus followers gathered together in Jerusalem A noise like a strong driving wind filled the house. Tongues of fire rested on each one The apostles began to preach in many different languages All those listening understood, each in his or her own language. Was thought the apostles were drunk
Peter’s Speech Peter clarifies that the Pentecost events are the fulfillment of Hebrew Bible (OT) prophecies, especially the prophet Joel. The Holy Spirit was being poured out upon the apostles so that they were understood by all. Peter instructs the listeners to repent and be baptized; they, too, would then receive forgiveness and the Holy Spirit. 3,000 people were baptized that day.
The Meaning of Pentecost Pentecost revealed the Church for the first time: the Church to the world God as Trinity revealed for the first time Jews who followed Jesus at that time worshipped the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, also believed in Jesus as the Divine Son of God the Father Jesus’ followers, thus, become aware of the encounter with God the Holy Spirit Pentecost marked the beginning of the Church’s mission on earth: the Age of the Church
The Age of the Church The Apostles begin work of evangelization They baptize in the name of Jesus’ Christ, thus, lived and acted in the world through his Church and the Holy Spirit Promise fulfilled: “I am with you always until the end of the age (Matt 28:20) The Age of the Church
The Holy Spirit Animates the Church The Holy Spirit animates or gives life to the Church. It is this transforming power or energy that converts the disciples and all.
The Holy Spirit Sanctifies the Church The Holy Spirit makes the Church holy or sanctifies the Body of Christ. Makes the Church closer in union to God Growing in holiness Taking on the righteousness of Christ with the gift of sanctifying grace.
H.S. “builds up” the holiness of the Church through: The Sacraments The virtues by through which we live a moral life Gifts of the Holy Spirit given to each person First, through Baptism
The H.S. Builds the Church The Spirit’s power to build made known on Pentecost. Over 3,000 people baptized that day Mission of Church to bring people in union with the Trinity H.S. builds people faith lives. Brings new members to Church
Life in the Spirit Life in the Spirit brings change. Paul spoke of the fruits of the Spirit “love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, self- control” (Galatians 5:22-23) One living according to the Spirit of God lives for others Spirit allows us to deepen our relationship with her, the Father, and Son (Trinity)
The Teaching of the Holy Spirit The Holy Spirit has a teaching role in the Church The Spirit will teach and remind us or what Jesus taught (John 14:26) The Spirit guides you to all truth-the truths of the faith. (John 16:13) Spirit teaches how to pray-call on her when in need.
The Holy Spirit and Our Prayer Lives: Master of Prayer She intercedes for us. Instructs us in our prayer life: inspiring us to express new forms of the basic prayer types.
Prayer Types Blessing petition -a prayer form in which we ask God for help and/or forgiveness intercession -a prayer on behalf of another person or group. Thanksgiving Praise
Holy Spirit and Prayer (cont.) H.S. is like a well of living water within the heart of a person who prays. But the H.S. also points the one who prays to the source of living water, Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit operates through the Tradition of the Church-the living transmission of God’s truth to us.
The Holy Spirit Gifts the Church The H.S. gives various gifts or charisms to members of the Church for the benefit of the whole Church And through the Church to the world. charism -a special gift or grace of the H.S. given to an individual Christian or community, commonly for the benefit and building up of the entire Church.
Charisms of the Church Charisms according to Paul in 1 Corinthians (12:8-10): - expression of knowledge or wisdom, - faith, - gifts of healing, - mighty deeds, - - prophecy, - - discernment of spirits, - - gifts of tongues, - - interpretation of tongues.
Charisms: Different from the 7 Gifts of the Holy Spirit Dispositions or tendencies as opposed to skills: Wisdom Understanding right judgment (counsel) courage (fortitude) Knowledge Reverence (piety) Wonder and awe (fear of the Lord) sd
Ordinary Charisms Ordinary charisms are at work all the time, for example: Teachers sharing their knowledge and wisdom in the classroom Doctors and nurses using the tools and skills of medicine in healing patients
Extraordinary Charisms Gifts of the Holy Spirit that involve spiritual powers beyond normal human ability: Miraculous healing and cures with no scientific explanation Gift of speaking in tongues, interpreting, etc. Extraordinary Charisms
Charism of Leadership Founders of religious orders and congregations have specific charisms that their members pursue. Examples: Benedictines’ charism of combining work and prayer, inspired by founder St. Benedict Franciscans: charism of embracing a life of poverty and simplicity inspired by St. Francis of Assisi
Charism of Leadership (cont.) As leaders and teachers of the church, the Pope and bishops have the charism of infallibility on teachings of faith and morals. Infallibility -the gift given by the Holy Spirit to the Pope and bishops in union with the Spirit to teach on matters of faith and morals without error. The charismatic movement is given acceptance by the authority of the Church Magisterium -the living teaching office, which consists of all bishops in communion with the Pope, the bishop of Rome.
All Charisms Needed by the Church Everyone has gifts given to them by the Spirit All gifts can contribute to the building up of the Church Musical gifts, being a good listener, leadership, counseling, etc.