FIRST and LAST NAME TODAY’S DATE PERIOD Chapter 1 Picture Preview Pg# (STUDY the picture on the page) Describe what you see (at least 2 sentences) What do you learn about the Civil war from the picture The Page before page FRONT OF PAPER
Pg# (STUDY the picture on the page) Describe what you see (at least 2 sentences) What do you learn about the Civil war from the picture BACK OF PAPER
PICTURE PREVIEW QUESTIONS Answer each question in complete sentences using TEXTUAL EVIDENCE (from the picture & caption) to support your answer. 1. Explain why you think a soldier would be excited about going to fight in the Civil War – Use the picture on the page before page Explain how you would feel and what you would do if you were a soldier going off to the Civil War – use the picture on p Describe the demeanor (expression, attitude and disposition) of the soldiers on page 5 IN ONE WORD and explain why you chose that word with evidence from that page. 4. Explain why it is important for all of the soldiers on the same side to have the same uniform- use the picture/information on p Explain why Bull Run was a difficult place to have a battle – use the picture and info. On p Based on picture on p.13, explain in a short paragraph what happened during a battle of the Civil War. 7. In a short paragraph, Explain what you think the soldiers in the picture are thinking – use the picture and information on that page 16.