URINARY INCONTINENCE Urology Division, Surgery Department Medical Faculty, University of Sumatera Utara
Definition The involuntary loss of urine May denote a symptom, a sign or a condition Symptom the patient’s complaint of involuntary urine loss Sign objective demonstration of urine loss The condition the underlying cause Prevalence 38%, increasing with age
Classification Anatomic or genuine urinary stress incontinence Urge incontinence Neuropathic incontinence Congenital incontinence False (overflow) incontinence Posttraumatic or iatrogenic incontinence Fistulous incontinence
URINARY INCONTINENCE BLADDER RELATED URGE INCONTINENCE Detrusor overactivity Hyperreflexia Instability Poor / Low Compliance Small Capacity OVERFLOW INCONTINENCE / NON CONTACTILE / AREFLEXIE BPH with chronic retention Diabetic bladder neuropathy Complete parasympathetic lessions SPHINCTER RELATED STRESS INCONTINENCE Anatomic / urethral hypermobility Intrinsic Sphincter Deficiency (ISD) SPHINCTER RELATED STRESS INCONTINENCE Anatomic / urethral hypermobility Intrinsic Sphincter Deficiency (ISD)
Combined problem associated with incontinence Detrusor overactivity with outlet obstruction Detrusor overactivity with impaired bladder contractility Sphincteric incontinence with impaired bladder contractility Sphincteric incontinence with detrusor overactivity
URINARY STRESS INCONTINENCE Women after middle age (with repeated pregnancies) A result of weakness of the pelvic floor
Sign & symptom Symptom : complaint of involuntary leakage on effort or exertion, or on sneezing or coughing Sign : - can be observed as the involuntary leakage of urine from the urethra - a cough stress test by asking the patient to cough with a full bladder and the objectively assess the leakage of urine
Main risk factors Predisposing factors : - Familiar predisposition - Gender higher in women - Anatomic, neurological and muscular abnormalities Inciting factors : - pregnancy/childbirth/parity - side effect of pelvic surgery & radio therapy
Promoting factors : - obesity - constipation - lung disease & smoking - UTI - neurological disease - menopause - drugs / medication Decompensating factors : - age - dementia & debility - drugs / medication
The most studied and proven risk factors are : - age - obesity - parity
Diagnosis Detailed history : degree of leakage, its relation to activity, position and state of bladder fullness, timing of its onset, course of its progression Past surgical and obstetric history, medication taken, dietary habits, systemic disease
Treatment Conservative treatment : - lifestyle intervention (weight loss, stop smoking) - pelvic floor muscle training Pharmacological treatment : - α1-adrenoceptor agonists - tricyclic antidepressants - oestrogens Surgical treatment
URGE INCONTINENCE Involuntary loss of urine, accompanied or immediately preceded by urgency Basic feature : detrusor instability and the loss of urine while attempting to inhibit micturation OAB (overactive bladder) urgency, frequency, nocturia Etio : neuropathic injuries (spinal cord injury), obstruction, inflammation, diabetes, BPH, iatrogenic
Diagnosis Detailed history Physical examination Urinalysis Identification of modifiable causes usch as impaired mobility
Normal Control of Voiding:
Overactive Bladder:
Treatment Lifestyle modification (fluid management) Behavioral techniques (bladder training) Anticholinergic therapy (tolteridine, oxybutynin, trospium) Medical management is more efficacious Surgical procedures (bladder reconstruction or urinary diversion)
MIXED URINARY INCONTINENCE Occurrence of stress-related incontinence with symptomatic urinary urgency and UI Detrusor dysfunction and is associated with urethral sphincter underactivity Incidence increases with advancing age, most commonly in women > 60 years old
Therapy Behavioral therapy Anticholinergic 70% cases have symptomatic improvement Surgical
OVERFLOW INCONTINENCE Involuntary loss of urine associated with bladder overdistention 2 primary process are involved : - urinary retention caused by bladder outlet obstruction - inadequate bladder contraction
Diagnosis Overflow bladder is detected by measuring post-void residual urine volume with USG or urethral catheterization immediately after urinates N 200 mL overflow bladder
Treatment Initial treatment focus on reversible causes (cystocele, pelvic organ prolapse, etc) If precipitating element not be found conservatively : adjustment fluid intake and timed voiding