Tobacco Use in School Aged Children Created by: Candice Corbet & Rachel Goodfellow Section #11
Introduction: Teachers must address the smoking of tobacco in school aged children because the earlier young children begin smoking, the more cigarettes they are likely to smoke a day and the less likely they are to quit. The purpose of the activity is to enable grade 7 students to make informed decisions about tobacco use. Students will also become familiar with current and actual smoking trends in the general youth population by examining data collected from the Statistics Canada website. Teachers must address the smoking of tobacco in school aged children because the earlier young children begin smoking, the more cigarettes they are likely to smoke a day and the less likely they are to quit. The purpose of the activity is to enable grade 7 students to make informed decisions about tobacco use. Students will also become familiar with current and actual smoking trends in the general youth population by examining data collected from the Statistics Canada website.
Expectations: Health: Healthy Living Grade 7: Outline a variety of issues related to tobacco use and abuse Demonstrate strategies that can be used to counter pressures to smoke and identify healthy alternatives
Math: Data Management Grade 7 Collect and organize discrete, secondary data from E-stat and display the data in charts, tables, and graphs that have appropriate titles, labels and scales that suit the range and distribution of the data, using a variety of tools Collect and organize discrete, secondary data from E-stat and display the data in charts, tables, and graphs that have appropriate titles, labels and scales that suit the range and distribution of the data, using a variety of tools Read, interpret and draw conclusions from secondary data presented in charts, tables and graphs Read, interpret and draw conclusions from secondary data presented in charts, tables and graphs
Graphical Representation: Have students collect secondary data using the table : Have you ever smoked tobacco? and the table : How many of your friends smoke tobacco? Found on E-stat. Have students collect secondary data using the table : Have you ever smoked tobacco? and the table : How many of your friends smoke tobacco? Found on E-stat. Go through the steps with students showing them how to create graphs using the E-stat website and how to enter data into excel to graph using excel. Go through the steps with students showing them how to create graphs using the E-stat website and how to enter data into excel to graph using excel.
Have students create the following pie graphs:
Have students create the following bar graphs:
1. Who is smoking more- females or males in Canada? Are there any trends in the data? 2. Using the two bar graphs, which age groups seem to be most influenced by their friends smoking habits? 3. By analyzing the data, do you feel that students smoke due to peer pressure? Explain why or why not. If so give examples of how to counter pressures to smoke. Using the secondary data collected have the students answer the following questions: