1 XML4IP TF Meeting
2 Draft Agenda Guideline for Implementation of Schema Structure of XML4IP (new) Candidates of Global ICEs Discussion on Name/Address structures Discussion on the Paragraph Content Mode Others (new) –time frame of future work
3 Guideline for Implementation of Schema Pending discussion since October XML TFs meeting “56. With regard to the Guideline for Implementation of Schemas: participants asked for more information to be added to the introduction, for example objective, goal, and audience so that non- technical people from Offices can better understand the guideline. It was agreed that the guideline was too important to be part of any one standard. The guideline will be a reference for all WIPO XML Standards with schema. It was also agreed that because the guideline is useful for all types of industrial property, it should be discussed within the framework of the XML4IP Task Force rather than the ST.66 Task Force, and that the USPTO would lead the discussion on this matter.”
4 Structure of XML4IP Review last October Meeting –IP-specific profiles of industry practice.
5 D.ICE Components for Designs only P.ICE Components for Patents only T.ICE Components for Trademarks only G.ICE Components for all three IP types (Global) IP-XML Component Groups in IP-XML ST.14 Citation Markup MathML Mathematics Markup CALS Table Markup [TBD] Chemistry markup IP-specific profiles of industry practice. From IP community: WIPO, OHIM, etc. From industry sources: W3C, Oasis, ISO, etc. File naming conventions Schema versioning Packaging for various purposes Schema Implementation … PDF, TIFF, JPEG, GIF, PNG, MPEG, etc., Profiles MP3, WAV, AVI, etc. Profiles Colour Standards Profiles … Enumerated lists: country, language, geographic regions, non-governmental organizations …
6 Structure of XML4IP Main part –File naming conventions, Schema versioning… Global ICEs Model Schema/DTD Schema Implementation Packaging for various purposes Image profiles –PDF, TIFF, JPEG, GIF, PNG… Sound profiles –MP3, WAV, AVI… Enumerated lists –Country, Consider XML4IP TF Mandate given by SDWG
7 XML4IP TF Mandate given by SDWG “Prepare a proposal for a dictionary of International Common Elements (ICE), and model XML schemas and DTDs to be used for patents, trademarks and industrial designs”
8 Candidates of Global ICEs Name Address/AddressBook Country Signatory Payment Nationlity Applicant Agent/Representative Role SoftwareName/Version Date ISO Country Code ISO Currency Code ISO Language Code WIPO ST3 Code
9 Discussion on Name/Address structures USPTO proposal
10 Discussion on the Paragraph Content Mode JPO Proposal
11 Time Frame of future work Q Q Q Q1 2009