Using a Writing Process to Improve Writing Skills Video Clip #1 Dance Part 1 Technology for Teaching Adult Education
This writing lesson will include: Using a video clip as a writing prompt. Writing a topic sentence, supporting detail sentences, and a summary sentence. Arranging your writing using a graphic organizer. Using a rubric for grading your organization.
When writing a paragraph, a topic sentence should give the reader a clear picture of what the main idea or central focus of the writing is. It is usually the first sentence. Let’s Get Started!
You are about to see a short video called a video clip. It appeared on TV as part of an ad campaign to get people to do something. Your writing assignment will be to explain: The answer to this question will become your topic sentence. “What is the message behind this ad?”
National Fatherhood Initiative: Dance Explain: “What is the message behind this ad?”
What is a topic sentence for this ad?
A graphic organizer is used by writers to bring ideas together and communicate better. It has a visual frame in which to organize and write down ideas. Topic Sentence Summary Sentence Supporting Detail Sentence The graphic organizer here is in the shape of a ladder.
1.Rewatch the video. 2.Put your topic sentence on the top rung of the ladder in the graphic organizer.
Topic Sentence Summary Sentence Supporting Detail Sentence Write topic sentence here.
Topic Sentence Summary Sentence Supporting Detail Sentence Think about three supporting detail sentences that go along with your topic sentence and write them on your graphic organizer. Supporting detail sentences serve to explain, extend or support the topic sentence.
A summary sentence is at the end. It wraps things up by rephrasing the main idea. Think of a good summary sentence for this ad.
Topic Sentence Summary Sentence Supporting Detail Sentence Write your summary or concluding sentence on the bottom rung.
A rubric is a scoring tool. It is used to help guide the writer and to assess the writing. A rubric contains a set of measurements linked to learning objectives. 4Superior 3Average and above 2Below average 1Poor performance
This rubric will be used to evaluate the organization or structure of your writing. Rubric for Part Organization Writing has no organization. Writing has weak topic, few or no supporting detail or no clear summary sentences. Writing has topic, supporting detail and summary sentences. Writing has well developed topic, supporting detail and summary sentences. Rate your graphic organizer according to the rubric. Put the number on your Rubric Scoring Sheet.
You have completed Part 1. In Part 2 of the Writing Process, you will be asked to expand your writing content.