AP Rubric Scoring Your Peer’s Essay Interpreting Your Score
Scoring Criteria Focus: Is the paper clearly focused? Does it concentrate on a particular topic? Does it maintain its focus throughout the paper? Thesis/Assertions: Does the thesis statement take a position? Is the position arguable? Does the position reflect a mature understanding of the topic? Evidence: Does the author use evidence from supporting sources? Supporting sources may include quotes, paraphrases, summaries, etc. Does it use specific and meaningful quotes? Analysis/Commentary: Does the commentary link the quote back to the thesis statement? Is it insightful? Is it useful? Does it add to the audience’s understanding or clarify a concept? Language/Control of Writing: Does the author display a mature level of vocabulary? Is the piece clear, free of awkward wording or distracting errors in diction and syntax? Is the piece free of major/distracting errors in grammar and punctuation?
Point Values: 8-9 The maturely written response clearly focuses on the topic and effectively employs substantial supporting evidence. Accurately and insightfully focuses on the topic Refers to specific examples and clearly connects them to the topic Demonstrates an ability to control a wide range of the elements of effective writing THESIS: Thoughtful and Mature FOCUS: Accurate and Insightful EVIDENCE: Specific, clearly connected ANALYSIS: Relates Examples to Topic LANGUAGE: Impressive, Mature, Free of errors, Varied Style
Point Values: 6-7 The well-written response clearly focuses on the topic and adequately uses supporting evidence. Uses some examples to support ideas and adequately connects them to the topic Clearly develops a position Demonstrates a clear prose style FOCUS: Clear THESIS: Clearly Developed ANALYSIS: Sufficient EVIDENCE: Adequate, well chosen examples LANGUAGE: Clear, with minor lapses, style may be a little dull
Point Values: 5 and Below The adequately written response usually focuses on the topic and includes some supporting evidence but may be inconsistent and simplistic in its explanations. Uses examples which may be vague, superficial, or unrelated to the topic Weakly focuses on topic, discussion may be unrelated to evidence Adequately written but may demonstrate inconsistent control of language Sufficiently written to convey the writer’s ideas, but may have weak control over diction, syntax, grammar, spelling or organization THESIS: Restates or summarizes, position may be unclear FOCUS: Weak, simplistic; may substitute a simpler task EVIDENCE: Vague, superficial, unrelated ANALYSIS: Vague, or unrelated to evidence or assertions LANGUAGE: Immature/ Lack of control
Point Values 8-9 The maturely written response clearly focuses on the topic and effectively employs substantial supporting evidence. Accurately and insightfully focuses on the topic Refers to specific examples and clearly connects them to the topic Demonstrates an ability to control a wide range of the elements of effective writing
Point Values 6-7 The well-written response clearly focuses on the topic and adequately uses supporting evidence. Uses some examples to support ideas and adequately connects them to the topic Clearly develops a position Demonstrates a clear prose style
Point Values 5 or Lower The adequately written response usually focuses on the topic and includes some supporting evidence but may be inconsistent and simplistic in its explanations. Uses examples which may be vague, superficial, or unrelated to the topic Weakly focuses on topic, discussion may be unrelated to evidence Adequately written but may demonstrate inconsistent control of language Sufficiently written to convey the writer’s ideas, but may have weak control over diction, syntax, grammar, spelling or organization
Point Values to Grade Translation 8 or 9: 98 6 or 7: 89 Not Yet: must be rewritten. Due no later than Friday Handwritten Stapled to back of original, with comment sheet You will have two opportunities to rewrite, after which point you will receive a grade based on the full AP rubric 5: 79 4: 73 3: 65 2: 60 1: 55