Root word review Are you able to:


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Presentation transcript:

Root word review Are you able to: Recite the definition of each root/prefix/suffix? Give an example of a word that uses each root/prefix/suffix? Use the example in a sentence, showing the meaning of the root? Create a mnemonic device for each root – one that works for you?

Anthrop human, man Anthropology

belligerent, bellicose war (or, war-like) belligerent, bellicose

brief, brevity, abbreviate short brief, brevity, abbreviate

credo, credit, credulous, credibility, credible believe credo, credit, credulous, credibility, credible

Culpa guilt culpability, culprit

dermatologist, epidermis, hypodermic skin dermatologist, epidermis, hypodermic

deduce, induce, conduct, induct, conductor Duc/duct Lead or pull deduce, induce, conduct, induct, conductor

Ego self egotist, egomaniac

factory, manufacture, benefactor to make, or to do factory, manufacture, benefactor

judicial, justice, jury, adjudicate Jud/jur/jus judge judicial, justice, jury, adjudicate

lucid, elucidate, illuminate Luc/lum light lucid, elucidate, illuminate

Mega great or large Megalopolis, megabyte

Ocu eye Ocular, binoculars

orthodontist, orthodox, straight, or correct orthodontist, orthodox, orthopedic

Poly Many Polygon, polygamy

Rect straight, upright rectangle, rectify

theology, monotheistic, polytheistic, atheism The/theo god, deity theology, monotheistic, polytheistic, atheism

Urb city suburb, urban

Vir man, manliness virtue, virtuoso, virus

vacation, vacuum, vacant empty vacation, vacuum, vacant

antecedent, ante-bellum, antechamber Prefixes Ante before antecedent, ante-bellum, antechamber

Counterproductive, counterstrike against Counterproductive, counterstrike

dysfunctional, dysentery ill, bad dysfunctional, dysentery

hypersensitive, hyperactive over hypersensitive, hyperactive

Inter between interstate, intervene

Introspective, intrastate, intramural Intra/intro within Introspective, intrastate, intramural

microscope, microbe, microeconomics small microscope, microbe, microeconomics

pseudonym, pseudoscience false pseudonym, pseudoscience

Transatlantic, transcontinental, transient across Transatlantic, transcontinental, transient

brotherhood, sisterhood, knighthood, neighborhood Suffixes Hood the property of being brotherhood, sisterhood, knighthood, neighborhood

dramatic, scientific, linguistics having to do with dramatic, scientific, linguistics

Purify, humidify, solidify Ify/if to make, or to become Purify, humidify, solidify

biology, geology, etymology study of biology, geology, etymology

exposure, rupture, legistlature state of, or act of exposure, rupture, legistlature

Root word review Are you able to: Recite the definition of each root/prefix/suffix? Give an example of a word that uses each root/prefix/suffix? Use the example in a sentence, showing the meaning of the root? Create a mnemonic device for each root – one that works for you?