World History II European Growth, The Commercial Revolution and Mercantilism Lecture Notes: Unit 3 Lesson 5 Standard WHII.5e
To Do: Vocabulary Nation Building Activity Interpretation Question of the Day Notes Multiple Choice Question Analysis
Vocabulary Self-sufficient Mother Country Nationalism Jingoism
Nation Building Activity Work in your groups…everyone must write. There are no incorrect answers…but please do not be vulgar. You will have 15 minutes before we take notes to answer as many questions as you can If we have any time after the note outline you will have more time to adjust/work on your new Nation.
Interpretation What does it mean to be American…who decided this? Has America always been “American”? Could being “American” change? Are we really all that different from other humans in other nations? Is strong nationalism always a good thing?
What is a Nation? A people who share common customs, origins, history, and frequently language; a nationality.
Questions: What were the roles of the Commercial Revolution and mercantilism in the growth of European nations? Who was Machiavelli and how did he affect the Commercial Revolution?
Mercantilism - Recap Competition between European Nations Take your own colonies to use for raw materials Use raw materials to manufacture your own goods Sell the goods you’ve made to other European Nations or back to your colonies Become completely self-sufficient Export more than you import There is only so much gold out there, the more you have, the better off you are and worse off “they” are. Where else did we do this in your Notes?
Machiavelli’s “The Prince” 1532 Explains what a “Prince” or a king should do in order to gain and then keep power. People need stability/regularity Ends justify the means – keep power at all costs Ethics don’t need to be a part of politics
“The Prince” in Action New Absolute Monarchs of the 1600’s are using his tactics whether they have actually read “The Prince” or not. Spanish take gold from natives and mistreat them. British and French do all they can to steal gold from the Spanish even though the Pope has said the New World and all in it belongs to Spain. All European Monarchs do their best to eliminate their competitors (cutthroat competition).
What changes Europe from a collection of feudal territories into a collection of nation-states? The most powerful nobles become kings… Use money from land to buy more land Outcompete other nobles and then other nations Solidify nation…taxes, religion, language etc.
Europe 1200 AD Europe 1400 AD Europe 1500 AD Europe 1700 AD
Commercial Revolution Major Competitors: Spain England France The Netherlands (Dutch) Portugal
Colonies Were Created for… Colonies were created in the New World, Africa, India, and China in order to amass wealth for the “Mother Country”.
The Navigation Acts Only English or English colonial ships could carry cargo between English colonial ports. Certain goods, including tobacco, rice, and furs, had to be processed in England before sold to other European Nations. Americans could not create their own manufacturing factories. The Navigation Acts severely restricted colonial trade, to the benefit of England. Colonists angered by limitations
Banking Double entry bookkeeping: Keeping track of how money flows in and out of a business or king’s purse. Similar to having a debit card and credit card going at the same time. Governments and businesses could now operate even if they were in debt.
What’s the difference?
Questions: What were the roles of the Commercial Revolution and mercantilism in the growth of European nations? Who was Machiavelli and how did he affect the Commercial Revolution?
Multiple Choice Question Analysis
Watch Movie The Last Samurai