Mock Presidential Campaigns Lesson Objectives for 04/19-22/16 Students will: 1.Collaborate to create and participate in a mock presidential campaign that includes no less than 10 key activities 2.Report on the various campaign activities and candidates 3.Lobby for public policy priorities and candidates All students must participate in a campaign and contribute one or more of the products needed (speech, TV ad, bumper stickers, etc.) Each student’s grade will be based on the Quality and Quantity of their contribution. Total possible points (products) = 60
Presidential Campaigns What are the ten most important campaign activities?
Presidential Campaigns Possible campaign items: 1.Resume (required) 2.Policy Position Statement—at least 3 Issues (Required) 3.Speech (Required) 4.Slogan and Logo (Required) 5.Debate Prep Notes 6.TV Ads (Animoto, etc.) 7.Social Media (Internet) 8.Posters/Billboards/Newspaper Ads 9.Bumper Stickers/Buttons 10.Financial Statement/Donations-Amounts and Sources