Attraction & Altruism Unit 14 Modules AP Psychology
PSYCHOLOGY OF ATTRACTION #1 Criterion: PROMIXITY – Mere Exposure Effect: Remaining friends-> Stimulation value: are they interesting? Utility value- are they supportive/helpful? Ego-support value –sympathetic or encouraging
#2: Physical Appearance Attractive people tend to be better liked-perceived as being happier and healthier, more successful. Preference for facial features that are not too small or too large Attractive= Definition changes from culture to culture Obesity has been proven to be a factor in discrimination People: #3: Similarity ATTRACTION CONTINUED
PERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS Love relationships –> often model parents Types of Romantic Love: 1.Passionate/Romantic = 2.Companionate = friendship based/more lasting, deep affectionate attachment, as love matures
INGREDIENTS FOR A LOVING RELATIONSHIP Equity-> Self-Disclosure-> The revealing of intimate details about ourselves- likes and dislikes, dreams and worries, proud and shameful moments, etc.
ALTRUISM Definition- Bystander Effect: intervention – we will help only if: Research conducted by Darley & Latane (1971): ->A diffusion of responsibility occurs when more people share the responsibility of helping.
NORMS FOR HELPING Why do we help? 2 Theories: -Social Exchange Theory- says our social behavior is one big exchange process, with the aim of which is to maximize benefits and minimize costs. -Reciprocity Norm-
CONFLICT What is it? -> We are often caught in “social traps” – -> Perceptions of others can become self-fulfilling prophecies. We may snub people we think are mad at us, and in return they may end up acting mad because we willed it to be so.
THE END!! We made it!