PARCC Parent’s Night Information Session Tuesday, March 29, 2016 Connie Francis Auditorium Mr. Russell Pagano, Principal Mr. Joseph Lepo, Assistant Principal
Mission Statement: Belleville is, today, a township richly endowed with a dynamic, culturally diverse population. Our mission is to embrace that diversity and use it as a catalyst for the growth and development of all our students and to empower them with self-actualization through relevant services and comprehensive programs designed to facilitate their success and to ensure that all of our students become productive citizens and life-long learners who are active contributors to their communities, and well-prepared to succeed in their chosen careers.
NEW JERSEY’S NEW STATEWIDE ASSESSMENT PROGRAM In 2014, New Jersey adopted the Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) to replace HSPA at the high school and previous NJASK in the elementary and middle school in language arts and mathematics. In spring 2015, NJ students took the PARCC: –English Language Arts and Literacy Assessments (ELA/L) in grades 3 – 11. –Mathematics Assessments in grades 3 – 8 and End of Course Assessments in Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II.
HOW IS THE PARCC DIFFERENT? Students take the PARCC tests on a computer. It was more interactive for students, allowed for greater accommodations and matched the Common Core State Standards. Students were required to show their work and explain their reasoning in order to demonstrate conceptual understanding. Instead of focusing on what a child has memorized through multiple choice questions, the PARCC tests required students to apply skills like thinking, reasoning and justifying answers – showing what they know and can do. It focuses on applying skills; therefore, it is the daily practice of these skills in the classroom that will serve as the best preparation for the tests.
PARCC ASSESSMENT OBJECTIVES Determine whether students are college- and career-ready or on track Compare performance across states and internationally Assess the full range of the Common Core Standards, including standards that are difficult to measure Measure the full range of student performance, including the performance of high and low performing students Provide data for accountability, including measures of growth Incorporate innovative approaches throughout the system
About the Test: The PARCC tests replace the old state tests. They measure how well students are performing against the new state standards that guide math and English language arts instruction. The PARCC tests move away from multiple choice questions to ones that allow students to demonstrate a real understanding of what they know and can do by writing essays, solving real world problems, and reading and analyzing complex text—all critical skills in the real-world. The PARCC tests are only one of several measures, including report card grades and in-class performance, that are used to determine a student's academic achievement. They do not impact a student’s GPA. The score reports are a valuable tool for parents and teachers. The report provides a deeper level of information that can be used to better understand where students are doing well and where they need additional support.
How is the PARCC Test Different?
Score Report
Interpreting the Score Report:
Five Performance Levels PARCC uses five performance levels that delineate the knowledge, skills, and practices students are able to demonstrate: Level 1: Did Not Yet Meet Expectations Level 2: Partially Met Expectations Level 3: Approached Expectations Level 4: Met Expectations Level 5: Exceeded Expectations
Interpreting the Score Report:
PARCC Resources: How can I find out more information about the PARCC Assessments and the Common Core? ●The PARCC website may be accessed at ●The New Jersey Department of Education has a website with information about PARCC at ●NJ DOE PARCC FAQ ●Information on the NJ DOE commission study on the use of assessments may be found at: ●GreatKids State Test Guide for Parents: test-guide/ test-guide/ ●Be a Learning Hero: