Regular City Council Meeting August 5, 2008
LOCATION: 1400 Main Street, Southlake, Texas Council Chambers in Town Hall Council Chambers in Town Hall WORK SESSION: 5:00 p.m. 1.Call to order. 2.Invocation: Linda Pallone, Chaplain of the Month 3.Keep Southlake Beautiful presentation to Council 4. County Commissioner Gary Fickes – update on the Texas High Speed Rail and Transportation Corporation (THSRTC) 5.I2ACTion Award Recognition – FY08Q2, Q3 6.Discuss all items on tonight’s meeting agenda.
REGULAR SESSION: 1.Call to order. 2A.Executive Session. 2B.Reconvene / Action necessary from Executive Session. 3A. Mayor’s Report 3B. City Manager’s Report 1.Budget 101 CONSENT AGENDA: 4A.Approve the minutes from the July 15, 2008, regular City Council meeting. 4B.Approve renewal of contract with Aetna for employee medical and dental benefits.
4C.Approve support of the Texas High Speed Rail and Transportation Corporation (THSRTC) and authorize payment of membership dues. 4D.Approve the renewal of a lease agreement for grazing on approx. 25 acres of undeveloped City property. REGULAR AGENDA: 5.Public Forum. 6A.Ordinance No. 480-VVV, 2 nd Reading, Amendments to the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance No. 480, as amended, for miscellaneous amendments and corrections. PUBLIC HEARING 6B.ZA08-048, Site Plan for Lot 3R1, Block 60, Timarron Addition at 600 Zena Rucker Rd. Current Zoning: R-PUD. SPIN #9E. PUBLIC HEARING
6C.ZA08-049, Specific Use Permit for a Mass Gathering – Parade/Bike Rally/Concert for Independence Weekend at Southlake Town Square and Carroll Dragon Stadium. Current Zoning: DT and S-P-1. SPIN #8 and #7. PUBLIC HEARING 6D.ZA08-054, Revised Site Plan for Rockenbaugh Elementary School at 301 Byron Nelson Pkwy. Current Zoning: R-PUD. SPIN #9E. PUBLIC HEARING 7A.Ordinance No , 1 st Reading (ZA07-148), Zoning Change and Site Plan for Onsom Medical Offices on Tracts 4C1A and 4C2, Les Ex, A.H. Chivers Survey, Abstract No. 299 at 630 E. S.H Current Zoning: AG. Requested Zoning: S-P-1. SPIN #5. 8.There are no items on this agenda. 9A.SP08-177, Variance to the Sign Ordinance No. 704, as amended to allow light pole banners within Southlake Town Square during Oktoberfest.
9B.Approve Residential Developer Agreement with Keller Watermere LP for South Village at Watermere, Phase II, a acre development on the south side of Southlake Blvd. between Pearson Rd. and Davis Blvd. 9C.Authorize City Councilmember Pamela Muller to attend the International City/County Management Assoc. conference on Sept , 2008 in Richmond, Virginia for the approx. amount of $1, A.Extend City business hours and adopt employee alternate work scheduling. 10B.Drought Contingency Plan and water conservation. 11.Meeting adjourned.