Insert Headline (28 pt. text) Maximum 2-3 Lines. Title Case. Insert Date (18 pt. text) Presented by: Insert Presenter(s) Names
2 Insert Sub-headline Here If Applicable (Same pt. Size As The Main Copy in Bold, Title Case). Begin main copy here (default 22 pt. text) Suggested tip 1: If the body of your information does not require a sub-headline, simply delete the blue text above and resume your layout. The PowerPoint template is preset to display the main copy of your text at 22pt. This option can be adjusted to fit your presentation needs. Suggested tip 2: Consider using bullet points to highlight key points in your presentation. This template contains presets to help you keep your presentation format consistent and organized. ‒ Simply type your content into your slide. ‒ Select the line of text to be “bulleted” ‒ Click on the small arrow (Increase List Level) under the HOME tab > PARAGRAPH section. The will automatically add preset bullet points to your line of text. Insert Headline (20-25 pt. text) Two Lines Maximum. Title Case. All of the pre-programmed layout slides are available with this text box for footnotes. You can insert any pertinent notes or comments (6-8 pt. text) if applicable, or delete the text box if necessary.
3 If there is any chance of disclosure of confidential information, check with the Law Department prior to the meeting – even if you believe there is an agreement in place. Review the Confidentiality/Non-Disclosure Agreement for coverage of subject matter prior to the meeting. Maintain the scope of the meeting within framework of the Agreement. Always mark confidential information as “Confidential.” When confidential information has been discussed or shared with an external party, always send a follow-up to the other party within 30 days after the meeting was held. Include a written description of the visually or orally disclosed confidential information. Specify that the information is confidential. Retain a copy of this in your records. Never conduct “brainstorming sessions” with third parties without a prior written agreement. External Meetings
4 Submit all presentations to the Communications Department for proper review and approval via to Ensure any new ideas, products or technologies are reviewed by the Law Department to determine if a patent application has been filed or is warranted. Contact Enrique Abarca for assistance. Use proper trademark symbols and comply with other trademark guidelines (see Slide 15). Never use client/customer data without written consent. Never disclose confidential information, trade secrets or proprietary information. Do not abbreviate product or service names. External Presentations
5 Always use trademarks as adjectives followed by the proper noun descriptor, e.g. Nabors PACE ® -X rig, Nabors RigWatch ® instrumentation or Canrig Commander™ Drawworks ‒ Trademarks cannot be used as a noun. For example, do not use: “ROCKit ® is…” Instead, use, “The ROCKit ® control system is…” ‒ Trademarks cannot be used as a verb. ‒ Never hyphenate the trademark and the product’s common name. Use the proper trademark symbol with superscript formatting. If you are unsure of which symbol should be used for a certain product or service, check the Nabors or Canrig website as a reference. Trademark Guidelines
6 Be mindful of using copyrighted material in your presentations Logos, music, text content, photographs, videos, artwork and other slide presentations may be copyright protected Copyright protection applies even if the work does not include a copyright symbol Copyrighted material cannot be freely used just because it is sourced from the internet You must have written permission from the copyright owner in order to use copyrighted material If you use a quote or copied text content in your presentation, you must include the source on the same slide Never use photos from a competitor’s website, especially external presentations for sales and marketing purposes To obtain images of Nabors rigs, products or services, please contact Corporate Communications An online image library will be made available later this year for use among all Nabors employees Copyrighted Materials
7 External Presentations (Meetings with Customers, Investors or Other Non- Employees) ‒ All Nabors employees must use the Nabors PowerPoint template for all external presentations, regardless of the subject matter ‒ All Canrig employees must use the Canrig PowerPoint template for all external presentations, regardless of the subject matter Internal Presentations (Meetings with other Nabors and/or Canrig employees) ‒ Nabors and Canrig employees must use the Nabors PowerPoint template for all internal presentations, with the following exception: ‒ Only Canrig and Nabors employees who report in to the HSE & Risk Management function may use the Nabors HSE template for internal-only safety presentations Presentations to the Nabors Board of Directors ‒ All presentations to the Nabors Board of Directors must be formatted on the Nabors template, regardless of the subject matter Which PowerPoint Template Should I Use?
8 Can I use another design or blank template for a company presentation? ‒ No, you must use the correct and approved template for all company presentations. I’m making a presentation to the Board about safety. Can I use the HSE template? ‒ No, all presentations to the Board of Directors must be formatted on the Nabors template. I’m presenting to a group of employees and customers. Which template should be used? ‒ When presenting to mixed audiences that include both internal and external stakeholders, always use the appropriate external presentation. If you are employed by Canrig, use the Canrig template. If you are employed by Nabors, use the Nabors template. Where can I find Company photography of our rigs, products or services? ‒ An online photo library will soon be available, allowing you to search for Company photos using keywords. In the meantime, please contact Corporate Communications to request assistance. I work in Canrig. When presenting to third-party customers about the ROCKit ® system or other NDS products/services, which template should be used? ‒ Regardless of the products or services featured within the presentation, Canrig employees should always use the Canrig template for external presentations. Nabors employees should always use the Nabors template for external presentations. Frequently Asked Questions