Owned and operated as a joint venture by a consortium of Canadian universities via a contribution through the National Research Council Canada Propriété.


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Presentation transcript:

Owned and operated as a joint venture by a consortium of Canadian universities via a contribution through the National Research Council Canada Propriété d’un consortium d’universités canadiennes, géré en co-entreprise à partir d’une contribution administrée par le Conseil national de recherches Canada Canada’s National Laboratory for Particle and Nuclear Physics Laboratoire national canadien pour la recherche en physique nucléaire et en physique des particules “Delivering $222 million in funding over five years to strengthen the world-leading research taking place at TRIUMF, Canada's premier national laboratory for nuclear and particle physics research.” Canada Day Seattle Meeting | July 1, 2013

Thank you to DPF for organizing Snowmass. Big job and important job. Thanks to UW and Gordon Watts for organizing this session….yesterday was good and so this meeting is already a success Look forward to Minneapolis Seattle July Seatlle2

Fermilab had two decades at the energy frontier Baton passed to CERN now… Fermilab is only dedicated US particle physics lab –Strength in field from universities, SLAC, LBNL, Argonne, JLAB, BNL… and other national labs What is next for Fermilab and US universities? Congratulations to CERN and Europe for showing global leadership in European Strategy Report…Higgs factory hosted elsewhere, good luck to Japan and neutrinos US or Japan Some Facts July Seatlle3

As the world’s largest economy, the US particle physics program needs to be healthy…vital for other regions and countries…ICFA, Rolf and Suzuki clearly recognize that and so do many Premise July Seatlle4

In the US we need to find a balance between a Fermilab program that exploits core competencies of the lab….deep technical accelerator talent…equalled in the world only by CERN…as a global field we must recognize that talent must be maintained…or else it limits what we can do globally as a field…. beyond LHC? –There is more than accelerator physics in our field but accelerators still play a critical role –Fermilab is also a tremendous resource of detector development talent that the PP needs also and that must be maintained Challenge July Seatlle5

….at the same time …. the US needs to be a strong and reliable world partner Develop a balanced national and globally relevant science program that draws on strengths of labs & universities in combined fashion Fermilab will need 1-2 flagship projects that define the US position the world Challenge July Seatlle6

The LHC program will provide extremely exciting results in next few years ….great time to be a PP The Higgs must be studied with the best precision we can muster…. PP has done that with factories all over the globe looking at kaons, charm, bottom, top, Z…we talk of neutrino factories now.. thus far the it seems to me to be obvious that the standard model is “hermetic” and will not all of a sudden be easily cracked…we owe it to ourselves to study it in detail…just the historical path we take Initial thoughts pre-Snowmass July Seatlle7

Higgs checks two boxes –Great science –Global….too big for any one country and we must work together to achieve the goal Neutrinos continue to suggest interesting questions –Proton decay is extremely important to do as well as we can –Supernova neutrinos are interesting LBNE needs to be a global project if we are to maximize the science Initial thoughts pre-Snowmass July Seatlle8

Balanced portfolio of experiments are needed –Needs to be room for diversity in our field…ie. the smaller experiments …continued pre-Snowmass July Seatlle9

Step 1: Participate in Snowmass and work for its success…listen to your colleagues Step 2: Participate in P5 process and work for its success Step 3: Work with colleagues around the world to assemble the best science we can do as a part of a balanced national and global program in particle physics Near Term Plan July Seatlle10

Owned and operated as a joint venture by a consortium of Canadian universities via a contribution through the National Research Council Canada Propriété d’un consortium d’universités canadiennes, géré en co-entreprise à partir d’une contribution administrée par le Conseil national de recherches Canada Canada’s national laboratory for particle and nuclear physics Laboratoire national canadien pour la recherche en physique nucléaire et en physique des particules Thank you! Merci! TRIUMF: Alberta | British Columbia | Calgary | Carleton | Guelph | Manitoba | McMaster | Montréal | Northern British Columbia | Queen’s | Regina | Saint Mary’s | Simon Fraser | Toronto | Victoria | York