Defining Biodiversity What is the nature and value of biodiversity? Learning Objectives – To name the factors that influence biodiversity To be able to classify these factors into groups To consider which have greater impact upon biodiversity
P100 Oxford 1.Answer this question and add 5 facts that evidence your thinking!! 2.Why are biomes named after plants and not animals?
Your starter for 10 List 10 keywords from last lesson ie the ones you were asked to learn Let’s see how well you do in today’s lotto draw ….
Are you a biodiversity ‘millionaire’? ABIOTIC PRODUCER ENERGY FLOW KEYSTONE SPECIES CONSUMER TROPHIC LEVEL 1.How many of these can you define? Work with your partner!
What factors influence (the distribution of) biodiversity?
1.Add to your mind-map as necessary 2.Can we colour code them into groups? 3.Which of these are the most important/determining factors?
This is the main or ‘limiting factor’ as it determines the limits within which species exist The bigger the population, the more in competition we are for space & resources The bigger the area the more space for species Big impact if focus on one species Often monoculture
Endemism vs. Cosmopolitan Distribution Endemism is the ecological state of being unique to a particular location, such as a specific island, habitat type or nation. To be endemic to a place or area means that it is found only in that part of the world and nowhere else. For example, many species of lemur are endemic to the island of Madagascar. Cosmopolitan Distribution is the ecological state of being found almost anywhere around the world. Over to you….. Add the words endemic and cosmopolitan to your glossary then List 10 species of each type
P101 Oxford habitatnet primary production (grams per square metre per year) Forests Tropical1,800 Temperate1,250 Boreal 800 Other terrestrial habitats Swamp and marsh2,500 Savanna700 Cultivated land650 Desert scrub70 Temperate grassland500 Tundra and alpine140 Is there a correlation between distance from the Equator and productivity (NPP)? Make links to prior learning
Lower latitudes eg nr Equator warmer, more humid; Ideal conditions for breakdown of decaying matter (nutrient cycling) Climate extreme places eg ? have lower biodiversity & productivity due to limiting factors eg ???
FACTORS AFFECTING BIODIVERSITY - Answers Size of an Area Productivity Interaction between species Succession Disturbance Dispersal and Colonisation Isolation Habitat Heterogeneity Habitat Architecture History and Age Altitudinal Range Habitat Destruction Effective Conservation and Restoration Hetero = different Homo = same
Global/ Continental RegionalLocalHuman Size of An AreaProductivitySuccessionHabitat Destruction History and AgeHabitat Architecture Interaction between species Effective Conservation and Restoration IsolationHabitat Heterogenity Disturbance Altitudinal RangeDispersal and Colonisation
name the factors that influence biodiversity? classify these factors into groups? state which have greater impact upon biodiversity? Learning Review Can I…..