The Fellowship of the Ring by J.R.R. Tolkien.  Frodo becomes a hero—changing from a self-reserved Hobbit to a larger than life legend who will save Middle.


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Presentation transcript:

The Fellowship of the Ring by J.R.R. Tolkien

 Frodo becomes a hero—changing from a self-reserved Hobbit to a larger than life legend who will save Middle Earth--in The Fellowship of the Ring by J.R.R. Tolkien.  Through triumphs and temptations, this little hero prevails through great perils along his journey.  Literary critic Jim Sherry pronounces, “Circumstances demand that he outgrow his hobbit isolationism, and indeed, offer himself without reserve or selfishness for a whole world that he does not know.”

 While Frodo was just getting used to bachelor life in the Shire, Gandalf visits to tell of a quest unrightfully bestowed on him.  Frodo must find who he can trust with his life and travel to the pinnacle of darkness to destroy the ring.

 Literary critic John R. Holmes conveys “Holding the ring endangers Frodo and all around him.

 As Frodo, Sam, and Pippin take on this journey they are followed by dark cloaked figures that seek out the ring.  They tread hastily and lightly against the forces of evil in pursuit of them and take shelter anywhere. The roads they take are weary and even in some instances of these Hobbits let their guard down and become ambushed by Sauron’s spies or cornered by dark paths with no end.

 Frodo disregards his general welfare, hopes, and pursuit of happiness--all because he is heir of the ring and feels he is responsible for this perilous task.  Following Frodo’s request, the Fellowship of the ring is formed.

 The wise Gandalf himself said this on behalf of Hobbits, “Hobbits really are amazing creatures, as I have said before. You can learn all that there is to know about their ways in a month, and yet after hundred years that they can still surprise you at a pinch” (Tolkien).

 Tolkien uses Hobbits to represent heroism, proving that no matter how small any noble heart can rid the world of darkness.

 Merry, Sam, Pippin, and Frodo marched along valiantly and redefined the endurance of their heredities. When in desperate times only few have the courage to take a stand, and it matters not if they stand at a measly four feet tall. The matter of prominence is the initiatives of the heart and willingness to give all.

 Slide 1, world/  Slide 2,  Slide 3, bin/rolozo.cgi/collection/hildebrandt?count=60&hide=8  Slide 4,  Slide 5,  Slide 7, Lee-Illustration  Slide 8,  Slide 9, bin/rolozo.cgi/collection/lee?count=60&desc=0  Slide 10,  Slide 11, 

 Holmes, John R. "The Lord Of The Rings." Masterplots II: Christian Literature (2007): 1-3. Literary Reference Center Plus. Web. 20 Apr  Sherry, Richard J. “The Lord of the Rings.” Magill’s Survey of World Literature, Revised Edition (2009): 1-3. Library Reference Center Plus. Web. 20 Apr  Tolkien, J. R. R. The Fellowship of the Ring: Being the First Part of The Lord of the Rings. New York: Ballantine, Print.