Making the Most of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit
What are they? ‘Charismata’ Gifts of Grace Unmerited Supernatural Essential
What are they for? The common good To build up the Church For growth to maturity To equip us for service
Who are they for? Each member without exception
How many are there? Message of Wisdom Message of Knowledge Faith Healing Miraculous Powers Prophecy Distinguishing Spirits Speaking in Tongues Interpretation of Tongues 1 Corinthians 12:
How many are there? Apostles Prophets Teachers Workers of Miracles Healing Helping Others Administration Tongues 1 Corinthians 12: 27-28
How many are there? Prophecy Serving Teaching Encouraging Giving Leadership Showing Mercy Romans 12: 6-8
How many are there? Apostles Prophets Evangelists Pastors Teachers Ephesians 4: 11
How many are there? Hospitality Speaking Serving 1 Peter 4 : 9
The Power to know The Power to speak The Power to do The Power to be Making the Most of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit
How do we receive them? From the Holy Spirit Through eagerness to have them With the help of the church By the Laying on of Hands
In what atmosphere will they flourish? `The greatest of these is LOVE`