Freshmen Information Night Welcome Linden High School Class of 2020 “Within the walls of Linden High School ALL opportunities are equal.”
Credits LHS Students enroll in 7 classes each school year A student earns five (5) credits for each subject successfully completed in a semester Successful completion is defined as a semester grade of “D” or better for high school credit
How to Earn Credits There are two semesters per school year and students are required to take seven classes each semester Potential to earn 35 credits a semester and 70 credits per school year A minimum of 260 credits is required for graduation.
Transcripts…The Good, The Bad, The Ugly A transcript is your record of all of the courses taken in high school It is your responsibility to make sure all of the grades recorded are correct Transcripts are comprised of semester grades Each student must determine their path for graduation and their future! Staff is here to help ALL students succeed!
Class Standing Students must complete the below number of credits to be classified at each grade level: Freshman – Completion of the eighth grade Sophomore – Successful completion of 65 credits Junior – Successful completion of 130 credits Senior – Successful completion of 190 credits Must complete 260 credits to graduate
Specific Requirements for Class of 2020 (You!) 40 credits in English 20 credits in Math 30 credits in Social Science, to include: a.10 credits in World History b. 10 credits in U.S. History c.5 credits in American Government d.5 credits in Economics 20 credits in Physical Education 20 credits Science – 10 physical and 10 life 10 credits in Life Management 10 credits in Visual Performing Arts (VPA) or Language Other Than English (LOTE) or Career Technical Education (CTE) 110 credits in courses of student’s choice
CSU/UC Entrance Requirements English 4 years Math 3 yrs- Int. Math 1, 2, 3; 4 yrs recom US History/ Government 1 Year (AP) World History 1 Semester of (AP) US History 1 Semester of American Gov Laboratory Science 1 Year Life Science 1 Year Physical Science World Language 2 yrs in same Language, 3 yrs recommended Visual/Performing Arts 1 year Drama, Music, Art Electives 1 CSU/UC Approved
California High School Exit Exam CAHSEE No longer required for graduation SB 172-Suspended the CAHSEE for the following academic years: , ,
Course Selection Guide Book ALL COURSES ARE YEAR LONG Select Course Check Grade Eligibility CSU/UC Requirements Prerequisites Course Description
Course Selection Sheet (You will receive this at your counseling appointment!)
Course Selection All students are required to enroll in 9 th grade PE English Science Ag Integrated or Integrated Students may enroll in Biology only with HS department chair and/or counselor approval Life Management- 2 semester course One semester = Health, CPR/First Aid & Driver’s Ed One semester = Keyboarding for speed and accuracy
Course Selection Math Math – 2 years required for graduation Options for freshmen: Integrated Math 1 or Integrated Math 1A Int. Math 1A + Int. Math 1B = 2 yrs. Math for HS Diploma/Graduation 3 years required for 4-year college admission – to include Int. Math 1, Int. Math 2, and Int. Math 3 OR Int. Math 1A & 1B, Int. Math 2, Int. Math 3
New Math at Linden HS Integrated Math 1: It is the first course of three courses in a series that uses a more integrated approach to cover the same algebra and geometry concepts and skills that are included in traditional three course series. The problem situations, models, and technology used will foster connections among the various strands of mathematics and develop concepts from multiple perspectives.
New Math Continued… Integrated Math 1A: It is the first half of the first course of three courses in a series that uses a more integrated approach to cover the same algebra and geometry concepts and skills that are included in traditional three course series. Upon successful completion of Integrated Mathematics IA, all students must enroll in and successfully complete Integrated Mathematics IB to meet graduation requirements.
Course Selection: Language Other Than English (LOTE) Spanish 1 or Italian 1 Recommend a minimum of B or better in English or teacher recommendation Average nightly homework of 1 hour or more Spanish 2 for Native Speakers Student must have oral proficiency of Spanish and a good understanding of reading, writing, and spelling in Spanish
Course Selection: Electives Career Technical Education (CTE) Visual & Performing Arts (VPA) Yearbook Must fill out application and seek approval Desire to work with others in groups/pairs, comfortable working with computer-page layout and strong writer
What Are Your Plans After High School? College: 2 yr. or 4 yr. Trade & Technical Schools Armed Forces Employment College 101 presentation tonight in the Library for more info.
How to prepare for high school success? Use your planner Study/homework routine Cell phone = distraction Seek help early Access Portal Success Shop-AM & PM Tutoring sessions
Meet with LHS Academic Advisors Call LHS between 8 a.m. – 3 p.m. to schedule an appointment ( ) DO NOT LEAVE A MESSAGE! Please speak with an adult LHS representative to make this appointment Available dates are March 14, 15, 16 & 17 and March 21, 22, 23 & 24 Available times are 2:30p.m. – 5:30p.m. Wednesdays are 1:30p.m. – 4:30p.m. Spanish translators are available Students need to attend!
Academic Counseling Session Select Freshmen Classes Develop 4 year plan Academic Resume Extracurricular Activities Academic Support: Access Portal and Success Shop
Breakout Sessions Athletics – MPR Career Technology Education (CTE)- 14 Visual & Performing Arts (VPA) – 60 College 101 – Library/Career Center AVID – 16 Acceptance Last Names A-L Session 1 Acceptance Last Names M-Z Session 2
Congratulations and Welcome Class of 2020! The teachers and staff are here to help you succeed and move through the next 4 years at Linden High School! Keep Your Options Open & Make H.S. Count! Questions?