1 Active Data Management Plans (ADMP) Interest Group -
Active Data Management Plan IG Co-chairs: David Giaretta (Alliance for Permanent Access Helen Glaves (British Geological Survey) David Baker (CASRAI) Status: Under community review statement/active-data-management-plans-ig.html
Motivation for ADMP IG Act as a focus for discussing requirements for and identifying developments needed to support active (i.e. able to evolve and be monitored) data management planning
Data Management Plans: Current practice Created at proposal stage o do not evolve o limited information o only fulfil requirement of the funding agency o difficult to monitor
DMP: ideal scenario Data management planning begins at project planning stage Evolve throughout the data life cycle Fundamental element of data management, archiving, preservation and making data available for re-use DMPs are available on-line/searchable Able to be monitored by funders
Active Data Management Plan: evolution Proposal Acquisition/ creation Handover Preservation/ Re-use DataRough ideas Increasingly detailed CompleteContinuing MetadataRough ideas Increasingly detailed CompleteContinuing RightsFairly firmVery detailedCompleteContinuing DistributionFairly firm Increasingly detailed CompleteContinuing ArchiveInitial ideas DecidedContinuing (Adding) valueInitial ideasMore detailed Much more detailed Review process
DMP: proposal phase Basic project information Data types/volumes Levels of data (raw, Level 0 etc.) Standards Formats
DMP: data creation/acquisition phase Data volumes/rates of collection Levels (raw, Level 0 etc.) Processing: software/calibration information available Provenance – Who – When – Representation Information (OAIS)
Data hand-over (repositories) Data should be submitted to a repository – can be identified at any stage in the life cycle May be involved in decisions on data acquisition/processing, preservation and re-use Negotiated handover including: – List of data/metadata/ supporting information to be supplied – Access rights/restrictions on the data – Potential requirements for re-use – Mechanism for hand over Overlap with the Repositories Certification IG?
Preservation Ensures continued availability of the data for re-use Specific information needs to be recorded and stored to ensure preservation Preservation strategy should also be developed Overlap with the Preservation e-Infrastructure IG
DMP: Re-use/adding value DMP should support future re-use of the data Provide guidance on how best to publish the data Reproducibility: increasingly important for validation/trust
DMP: monitoring Active DMP requires monitoring throughout data lifecycle Necessary for both data managers and funding agencies Monitoring can include: – Check lists for QC of the DMP Requires suitable tools to automate the process Evaluation: expert & non-expert
ADMP IG: Objectives for this session Identify clear synergies/common aims between ADMP/Preservation e- Infrastructure/Repository Certification IG/WGs Agree on a joint activity involving members from all three groups
A proposal Set up a group to capture requirements for active data management plans Develop a document which outlines the requirements for DMP identified during this session Open up the document via Google Docs or similar and invite input Create a deliverable which describes the requirements for active data management planning