Tabuk University at Belle II Rachid Ayad*,, Mohammad Ayaz, Abdelkader Bousselham, Jamal Madani University Of Tabuk is member of Belle II since April 8, 2011 Involved in Large Angle Beamstrahlung Monitor (LABM) construction, installation and operation effort. Estimating background for LABM in basf2 Involved in PXD DH sorting (This talk).
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Abdelkader’s Background for this Project Ph.D in Physics (2007), System and Instrumentation Physics Ph.D thesis “Data Acquisition and digital pulse processing for SPECT and PET” Skills: Digital Hardware Design, Simulation Synthesis and implementation, many years experience. Use of VHDL and all Mentor Graphics tools for computer aided design. Digital signal processing and implementation in DSP and FPGA. Experience with Xilinx FPGAs Embedded systems (PowerPC and Microblaze) Experience with testing and debugging complex systems (Oscilloscope, logic- analyzer) Analog electronics and PCB design