Taking Action Action Items from the MAPP Assessments.


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Presentation transcript:

Taking Action Action Items from the MAPP Assessments

MAPP Assessments Community Health Assessment  PACE EH  BRFSS  Community Health Profile Local Public Health System Performance Assessment Community Themes and Strengths Forces of Change

Areas of Opportunity: Top 5 Nutrition and Physical Activity Preventive Health Care Practices Infectious Disease Environmental Health Peace and Well Being

Nutrition and Physical Activity County’s death rate higher than in US and NJ Heart Disease Deaths significantly higher than US & NJ Obesity High Blood Pressure Diabetes

Nutrition and Physical Activity GOAL: Reduce the prevalence of obesity, high blood pressure, and diabetes through improved nutrition and increased physical activity

Nutrition and Physical Activity Increase percentage of residents:  participating in physical activity  consuming the recommended daily intake of fruits and vegetables  consuming foods with total fat content at or below recommended levels  drinking the recommended daily intake of water  Consuming low sugar and low salt foods

Preventive Healthcare Practices Smaller proportion of Burlington County residents underwent prostate cancer screening than U.S. residents as a whole Only 62% of residents > 50 years old have undergone a colonoscopy Only 32.7% of residents have received a pneumonia shot and only 41.7% have received a flu shot 29% of residents interviewed smoked everyday 60% of smokers in the county have tried to quit

Preventive Healthcare Practices GOAL: Increase preventive healthcare practices including cancer screenings, immunizations, smoking cessation, and smoking prevention

Preventive Healthcare Practices Increase breast, colon, oral, and prostate cancer screenings Increase immunization rates in both children and adults Decrease the percentage of people who smoke cigarettes every day Increase the percentage of smokers who attempt to quit for one day or longer

Infectious Disease Hepatitis C and Lyme Disease are the two most frequently reported diseases in Burlington County Other vector-borne diseases like babesiosis and ehrlichiosis are increasing Climate change and global mobility increase the risk of other vector-borne diseases in our county

Infectious Disease Preventable infections like STDs and HIV/AIDS continue to afflict our residents Chlamydia infections are on the increase in the county Pandemic flu and other emerging infections like SARS remain a potential threat to the county’s health

Infectious Disease GOAL: Reduce the burden of infectious diseases, including HIV/AIDS, STDs, Hepatitis C, vector-borne diseases, and emerging infectious diseases

Infectious Disease Increase the number of high-risk individuals tested for HIV Decrease the number of repeat clients at STD clinics Decrease the number of acute hepatitis C cases in the county Decrease the number of vectorborne diseases in the county Enhance the capacity of the county’s public health emergency response

Environmental Health PACE survey identified 6 key areas:  air quality, water quality, overcrowding, traffic congestion, pest control, litter Ranked 10 th in state for environmental releases Ranked 2 nd in state for release of lead compounds 4 th in nation for number of Superfund sites

Environmental Health GOAL: Improve the environmental health of Burlington County

Environmental Health Decrease the amount of visible litter in the county Improve the air quality of the county by advocating for environmentally sound transportation options Improve the water quality of the county by decreasing the number of water sources testing positive for contaminants Prevent additional Superfund sites in the county while ensuring the remediation of existing sites

Peace and Well Being 14% of county residents interviewed have participated in binge drinking more than once in the last 30 days 19% of county households have firearms; 16% of those guns are loaded; 62% of these loaded guns are unlocked 10% of those interviewed reported mental health not good > 1 week each month

Peace and Well Being GOAL: Promote peace and well-being in the community

Peace and Well Being Decrease the overall number of days that residents report their mental health was not good Decrease gang activity, teen violence, and bullying Decrease the number of residents with loaded, unlocked firearms in their homes Decrease the number of residents that abuse drugs and alcohol

Help us navigate the next steps

GOAL – what do we want to accomplish Outcome Objectives long term indicators Risk FactorsImpact Objectives short term indicators Contributing FactorsSuggested Interventions how we are going to accomplish our goal Resources AvailableBarriers

Breakout Sessions We want your input!! Five breakout groups  Nutrition and Physical Activity  Preventive Health Care Practices  Infectious Disease  Environmental Health  Peace and Well Being