N.K. Silva National Workers Congress (NWC) Sri Lanka ITC-ILO Trade Union Training on OSH and HIV-AIDS 26 June-15 July, 2011
Title Improvement of worker-friendly OSH and HIV-AIDS situation in three (03) garment factories in the Free Trade Zones in Sri Lanka Time-frame August 2011 – March 2012 (8 months)
Background and Justification In Sri Lanka, about 4,000 occupational accidents are being reported yearly. Working days lost are around 600,000 in a year. Prevalence of HIV-AIDS is low, but, the epidemic is on the rise. Owing to the characteristics, work and physical environment, Free Trade Zone garment workers are crucially vulnerable in terms of OSH and HIV-AIDS. Majority are young and bread-winners. Their victimization to OSH and HIV-AIDS will definitely have serious impact on themselves, families, factory profits and national income.
The current situation re-OSH and HIV-AIDS is unsatisfactory. NWC has the capability of changing this situation at least in the factories its TU presence prevails. Therefore, the NWCs proposed action of improving the worker-friendly OSH and HIV-AIDS situation in the 3 garment factories could set up a model, if it is implemented properly. Background and Justification Continued..
Target group: 20 employees – Star Garments, Katunayake FTZ (F-15, M-05) 10 employees – Polytex Garments, Koggala FTZ (F-08, M-02) 10 employees – Ran Malu Garments, Biyagama FTZ (F-08, M-02) Target Groups and Parties Involved Beneficiaries will be approximately 10,000 garment factory workers (80%- Female; 20%- Male) Parties involved: ILO- Sri Lanka, Management of 3 factories, Ministry of Labour, Ministry of Health & Nutrition
Objectives: 1.NWC will have trained 40 activists to promote OSH and HIV-AIDS issues at 3 workplaces. 2. NWC will have set-up a conducive environment at 3 factories to facilitate the OSH and HIV – AIDS promotional drive. 3. NWC will have an increased membership.
Activities: Objective 1: (a) Discussion with NWC leadership on the importance of promotion of OSH and HIV-AIDS situation at workplaces, with special focus on the selected garment factories in the FTZ, (b) Preparation of training modules to conduct a comprehensive training on 2 days, with the help of OSH and HIV-AIDS experts from ILO, Ministry of Labour and Ministry of Health and Nutrition,
Activities: Objective 1: (c) Planning and agreeing on the methodology to select the proposed promoters from 3 factories, (d) Identifying budgetary requirement and securing funds, (e) Developing training material,
Activities: Objective 1: (f) Identifying suitable venues to conduct training at 3 locations, (g) Conducting training, (h) Conducting a dialogue with trained personnel in order to prepare work-plans for OSH and HIV-AIDS promotion at their factories,
Activities: Objective 2: (a) Conducting 6 meetings with the Managements of 3 factories (2 meetings at each factory) in order to convince them about the importance and advantages of maintaining good OSH and HIV- AIDS situation in their factories. (b) Agreeing with the management on the NWC plan of training OSH promoters drawn from their factories and the possible OSH promotional plan, (c) Securing their commitment to improve the OSH culture within the factory, obtaining the help of trained OSH promoters.
Thank you.