Summary and Highlights of the 2014 Sharing Meeting Southern Sun O.R. Tambo - Johannesburg, South Africa November 2014
Day 1 – Tuesday 18 November 14
Key Note Speakers Positive change in the sub-Sahara Africa region – be part of that change Parents should not abdicate their responsibilities – the school cannot do it alone (community/parental involvement Parents are also vulnerable and need support
CSTL and SADC Development Goals Education is the key to social, political and economic development of the SADC region CSTL and the SADC Minimum Package of Services fight barriers that prevent positive education outcomes CSTL support SADC Minimum Package of Services and SADC goals; so CSTL promotes SADC development goals
Journey of the CSTL Model CSTL is a SADC programme adopted by SADC Ministers The journey of CSTL depends on champions – many of them are in this room We are now in a new phase – be the champion in this phase
Mainstreaming CSTL into Education Policy Inclusive education is a special partner of CSTL – Angola There are many programmes that are not called CSTL, but have CSTL characteristics and goals – School Plus in Mauritius Poor teacher skills is are a critical barrier to education outcomes – teacher development needs special attention but is often neglected in CSTL programming - Botswana
CSTL Structures The CSTL National Coordinating Unit needs to bring together the non-governmental actors and government departments/ministries together for it to be effective -DRC School Support Teams are an important form of community involvement and community ownership of CSTL – involve + empower them - Zambia Parental and community involvement are crucial in creating an enabling environment for positive education outcomes – Mauritius Community Mobilisation
Gallery and Networking
Day 2 – Wednesday 19 November 14
School Health Programmes Sexual reproductive health programmes need to be supported by communities + consider local settings to push the agenda – dialogue with parents and communities – Swaziland Considerations of local settings is important and using positive social norms to push the agenda There is need for much stronger collaboration between Health and Education Ministries for positive health/education outcomes in schools - Seychelles
Health and HIV/AIDS Donor funding for HIV and AIDS is soon going to run out – we need to ensure sustainability – SADC Know your niche in the HIV/AIDS response - SADC Reducing HIV among adolescents – we need to think about sustainability of incentives through government funding – Angola Incentives to reduce HIV need to be targeted e.g. girls who have particular vulnerabilities – Namibia The HIV and AIDS response needs a clear national school-level strategy with clear targets - Angola
School Water and Sanitation We need to document cultural and other barriers to optimal water and sanitation responses in our schools and communities - SADC Before a bar or restaurant is licenced, there are rules on basic sanitation – why do we let schools be built without ensuring safe water and sanitation for our children?! - Namibia “We don’t eat shit!” – shock, shame and disgust through Community-led Total Sanitation (CLTS) - Tanzania
Psychosocial Care and Support While in-service psychosocial support training is important, there is need to phase this out by ensuring pre-service training in education – REPSSI There is need to consider time-tabling of psychosocial issues in schools so that there is adequate time to address issues- Zambia
Monte Casino Outing
Day 3 – Thursday 20 November 14
Material and Nutrition Cash transfers are an important mechanism for dealing a multiplicity of poverty related barriers. Close collaboration between ministries of education and ministries of social development/welfare is imperative (NCU) - EPRI If we do not intervene at the formative first 5 years of a child’s life, we have lost a critical life-changing window – EPRI Social Assistance programmes still need community participation – the importance of school support teams (SST) as per CSTL model - Zimbabwe
Nutrition Support It is important that nutrition programmes mobilise local resources and stimulate local school economies – food preparation by trained community members who get a stipend, procurement of local produce to stimulate agricultural economy etc Identify and document good practice and build on it.
Monitoring Evaluation and Reporting There are core indicators that we need to collect data on, analyse the data and report on to inform/advocate planning and budgeting - MIET Core indicators need to be mainstreamed into our Education, Management Information Systems – MIET School level data collection tools make it easier for schools to collect data and for EMIS to collect it and serve decision makers – SA-SAMS South Africa