Anastasia Telesetsky University of Idaho College of Law
Jens Neuman and Edgar Rodtmann
Legal phenomena where States are investing in reintroducing, revitalizing, or renewing specific ecosystem services to a geographical location that previously delivered the same genre of ecosystem services
Legal argument- Meeting essential human rights for its population requires States to maintain ecological integrity sufficient to deliver key ecosystem services. Key Ecosystem Services– e.g. Soil fertility and pollination for production; Watershed integrity for clean water
Legal argument- Ensuring territorial integrity for other States requires each State to maintain its own ecological integrity
Aichi Targets Target 14- Restore 2020 ecosystems that provide essential services Target 15- Restore at least 15% of degraded ecosystems by 2020 Global Strategy for Plant Conservation Target 8- At least 20% of threatened plant species will be available for restoration programs
Skilled and unskilled job generator but large- scale restoration work requires government investment Restoration like other human interventions requires development of legal safeguards
"I know of no restorative of heart, body, and soul more effective against hopelessness than the restoration of the Earth." Barry Lopez - 'Helping Nature Heal'