Multi agency & AXS learning and development strategy
Background and purpose Every child matters Multi agency working Integrated working Common core of skills and knowledge Championing children
Developing a Children’s Trust L&D Strategy Job Profiles Learning needs analysis Qualifications strategy Skills for Life strategy Induction Joint Training Programmes
Some joint contracts with external training providers AXS Lead partners for specified L & D Some pooled budgets Joint Admin Arrangements
Multi Agency Educational Psychology Parenting Safe- guarding Domestic Violence Drug & Alcohol HealthCAMHSAXS Other Con- ferences Induction Multi agency L&D
Common Core of Skills and Knowledge Effective communication & engagement with children young people, their families & carers Child & young person development Safeguarding & promoting the welfare of the child Supporting transitions Multi-agency working Sharing information
AXS pathway
AXS01 Introduction to Integrated Working AXS02 Integrated Working managers in practice AXS03 Using Integrated Working tools AXS L&D supported by a range of multi-agency programmes AXSAXS
AXS01: Introduction to integrated working (IW) Audience - Universal = everyone working with children, young people & families 3 hours Provides participants with: - Understanding of Every Child Matters agenda - Awareness of the tools for IW
AXS02: IW managers in practice Audience = managers of staff who will be completing CAFs and/ or undertaking role of lead professional 1 day Provides participants with understanding of: - managers role in sponsoring and supporting IW - challenges of IW and the likely support requirements of practitioners - strategies that can be used to effectively support and supervise practitioners and facilitate IW
AXS03: Using IW tools Audience = people who will be completing CAFs or undertaking the role of the lead professional 2 days Participants will: - develop practical skills & confidence in CAF, lead professional and team around the child meetings - develop awareness of information sharing, ContactPoint and children's service directory - establish common value base for integrated working
Multi agency & AXS The multi agency offer includes programmes of particular relevance to AXS: - Induction (thresholds, information sharing, etc) - Child development - Assessment skills - Solution focused brief therapy - Managing multi agency teams
Spring/ Summer 2008 In phase 1 clusters initially AXS01 1 course every two weeks in each AXS clump* AXS02 Courses running throughout March 08 AXS03 1 course every two weeks in each AXS clump *(North, Mid/Exeter/East,South/West) Autumn/ Winter 2008 In phase 1 & 2 clusters AXS01 1 course every week in each AXS clump* AXS02 1 course running every two weeks in each AXS clump AXS03 1 course every week in each AXS clump *(North, Mid/Exeter/East, South/West) AXS L&D delivery schedule
Identify what AXS training you need Identify what AXS training your staff need Inform your colleagues about the multi-agency and AXS training programme Look out for AXS training dates in your area Visit the AXS website for the latest updates What next?