Elizabeth Stahl May 1, 2012 SWK 707 School of Social Work, Salem State University
Elementary Schools Latency Aged Boys Emotional and Behavioral Disorders School Adjustment Counseling
Schools are becoming primary resource centers for counseling children Highest drop out rates for children with E/B disabilities B A E: Studies supporting effect of CBT, Play Therapy, Social Work practice and SFBT Intervention: Solution Focused Brief Therapy - Solution focused rather than problem focused Mentors, alliances and protective factors Strengths Based v Punitive Approach
Intervention of SFBT with E/B students recommended for SAC Training School Counselors in SFBT Operationalize SFBT for eight session intervention Purposive Sampling Qualitative Research – small sample size Semi-structured questioning Inclusive of parents and teachers
Outcome measures: Continual - questionnaire for SAC, Student and Teacher one month after completion of therapy Justification: to discover if the student continued to have emotional and/or behavioral problems in the classroom If so, how often? Provides a basis to calculate whether or not there has been improvement.