CD FY09 Tactical Plan Review FY09 Tactical Plans for Computing Infrastructure Igor Mandrichenko 9/24/2008
CD FY09 Tactical Plan Review 2 FY09 Tactical Plan for Computing Infrastructure Relevant Strategic Plan(s): –Strategic Plan for Central Services –Strategic Plan for Databases and Applications Tactical Plan Leader: Matt Arena Organizational Unit home: LSCS/DBI
CD FY09 Tactical Plan Review 3 FY09 Tactical Plan: Strategies and Goals Tactical Plan Strategies –Support and develop computational infrastructure applications as part of Central Services’ mission. –Implement ITIL practices into our project lifecycle. Tactical Plan Goals –Facilitate efficient user utilization of Lab computing resources –Support and develop Lab information technology infrastructure.
CD FY09 Tactical Plan Review 4 FY09 Tactical Plan: Objectives Tactical Plan Objectives –Continue development and support of Network Infrastructure and Management Infrastructure (NIMI) and dependant applications. NIMI database. TIssue application Network Inventory database Nimrod –Provide support for CD’s ability to monitor its IT infrastructure re- designing NGOP or selecting a vendor solution. –Provide support for the Central Services Grid services Computer resource accounting and capacity planning Networking Computer Security –Have project leaders complete ITIL training.
CD FY09 Tactical Plan Review 5 FY09 Tactical Plan: Past Action Items Resolution of Past Action Items –[Items called out in past Tactical Plan review or status meetings.] FY08 Review Action Item List is in DocDB #2662 FY08 Status Reports Action Item List is in DocDB #2664
CD FY09 Tactical Plan Review 6 Service Activity: Networking and Computer Security Key Metrics 1.NIMI and NIMI-based applications downtime 2.Incident response time 3.URLSURLS Goals Related to this Activity –1. Continue development and support of NIMI and NIMI-based applications Existing, high –2. Work with CST on development and support of CST RA application Existing, high
CD FY09 Tactical Plan Review 7 Service Activity: Grid Services Goals Related to this Activity –1. Work with FermiGrid, OSG, etc. to provide and support infrastructure for grid resource utilization accounting and capacity planning, including data collection, storage, report generationoal –Existing, medium
CD FY09 Tactical Plan Review 8 Project Activity: [insert name] (1 slide per project activity in the Tactical Plan) [Brief oral description to provide context.] Goals Related to this Activity [from Tactical Plan] –1. Goal 1 [Identify if new or existing goal, and relative priority. Indicate status or priority in separate color/fonts.] –2. Goal 2 [Identify if new or existing goal, and relative priority. Indicate status or priority in separate color/fonts.] –3. Goal 3 [Identify if new or existing goal, and relative priority. Indicate status or priority in separate color/fonts.] Key Milestones 1.[List key milestones and associated deliverables here…] What is it? When – planned vs actual. Impact high or low, felt by whom, if date not met. 2.[URL that shows project progress towards milestones] 3.Metrics, if any applicable (may be none for some Project Activities) Issues and Risks (specific to this activity, includes allocation impact) 1.List Issues and Risks…
CD FY09 Tactical Plan Review 9 Project Activity: Monitoring Tools Goals Related to this Activity [from Tactical Plan] –1. Begin implementation of ITIL practices and components New, high –2. Upgrade or replace existing monitoring system (NGOP) Existing, medium Key Milestones 1.Using ITIL guidelines, gather requirements for monitoring tools 2.Produce project plan to either upgrade or replace existing monitoring infrastructure Issues and Risks (specific to this activity, includes allocation impact) 1.Unknown factor is whether we will be able to purchase existing monitoring tool which would fit ITIL structure, or we will have to develop something from scratch
CD FY09 Tactical Plan Review 10 Project Activity: Resource Accounting Goals Related to this Activity [from Tactical Plan] –1. Work with FermiGrid, OSG, etc. to provide and support infrastructure for grid resource utilization accounting and capacity planning, including data collection, storage, report generation Existing, medium. OSG Gratia is expected to be in stable support mode Since July, OSG Gratia is operationally supported by FermiGrid –2. CD resource accounting and capacity planning New, medium Key Milestones 1.In October 2009 release OSG Gratia v1.0 and move OSG Gratia into support mode 2.Produce CD accounting scope and requirements documentation 3.Evaluate status of CD Gratia and whether additional development is necessary 4.Produce project plan Issues and Risks (specific to this activity, includes allocation impact) 1.It is not clear how much has to be done for CD Accounting
CD FY09 Tactical Plan Review 11 FY09 Resource Request, Preliminary Allocation Level 0 Activity: Computing Infrastructure FY09 Tactical PlanActivity Level 1 FTE Request At Activity Level 1 M&S Request At Activity Level 1 FTE Allocation At Activity Level 1 M&S Allocation At Activity Level 1 Computing InfrastructureMonitoring Tools Grid Services Resource Accounting Network and Computer Security
CD FY09 Tactical Plan Review 12 Impact of Preliminary Allocation Preliminary allocation should be sufficient to meet CD mission, strategic goals, or tactical plan goals and objectives.
CD FY09 Tactical Plan Review 13 Template Guidance: (not part of the presentation) Activity = Activity Level 1 or lower explicitly listed in Tactical Plan Activities have been classified in Tactical Plans as either being more Project-like or Service-like Projects: finite defined lifetime, defined deliverable. Includes R&D work. A.k.a Upgrades, … Services: same operation or task repeatedly. A.k.a. Operations, Maintenance, Support, … Whether an activity is a project or service determines which format slide to use later. Terminology Obligation Budget: Allocated budget. This may differ from the budget request. YTD Obligations: Fully incurred expenses. Does not include RIPs, Req.s in CD, etc. Current FY08 Forecast: Estimate of all obligations to be incurred by the end of FY08. M&S: Equipment + Operating. Operating includes Travel, Material Purchases, Professional Services (contractors), Maintenance (licenses), and Other. RIP: Requisitions in Progress