Summer Term 2015 KS2 – Year 4 ANIMALS Art Sketching animal skeletons, clay animals, collage settings Computing French Animals, asking about pets, Food and Drink, ordering in a café – role play Topic Geography – Animals around the world, habitats and diets, animal groups, polar animals, jungle animals, dangerous animals, endangered animals, marine animals. E-Safety – using the internet safely (youtube) Researching and Presenting information – collecting, analysing and evaluating data and information (animals) Presenting research – using powerpoints Sumdog – Logins will be in the back of children’s diaries. Speaking and Listening: presentations and debates Reading: Michael Morpurgo animal stories Writing: narrative, persuasive writing, comparative writing and presentations through different medias Multiplication and division to solve problems Compare, order, add and subtract fractions, find fractions of amounts. Recognize parallel and perpendicular lines and right angles. Interpret and construct charts, tables, pictograms and graphs Estimate and read time. Literacy Numeracy Music Animal themed music Find out about the 3 states of matter: solid liquid and gas, learn how to use thermometers, set up enquiries about matter changing from one state to another, study the water cycle and investigate air as an example of gas. Science PE RE/PSHE PE – Striking and Fielding, Games – Rounders and Cricket Children will need outdoor shoes. Sessions will take place on Thursdays. Kit must be in school Monday – Friday and all items must be clearly labelled. Buddhism, SEAL, Unicef - Rights and Responsibilities for Animals
Things to remember: Water Bottles and Sun-cream As the weather gets warmer, it is essential that children bring a water bottle into school, daily, to keep them hydrated throughout the day. These water bottles should contain water only – squash and flavoured water are not acceptable, other than at lunchtime. It is also important that children are protected from the sun, so please apply sun-cream before school and/or put a labelled bottle in their bag, for children to apply themselves. It is also advised that children wear a hat. Tuck Shop There is a tuck shop every playtime. Children should bring a maximum of 50p to purchase the healthy snacks. Unlike in KS1, fruit is not provided, however children are encouraged to bring their own. Reading Children are expected to read at least 3 times a week, at home to an adult. This should be clearly recorded in their home diary and signed. Children will continue to make their way up the Reading Rocket – they are aiming for 100 reads for a prize. Children will bring home their guided reading book and this must be brought back into school every day. Homework Homework will follow the same format as last year, with topic related assignment options to choose from, to be completed over term time. Weekly, children will be expected to complete the given maths homework, put their spellings into sentences and read as above. Homework club is on a Monday after school, and it is due in on a Wednesday. Children can also use their homework time to practise their Passport Targets on Sumdog. Uniform All uniform, including PE kit, must be clearly labelled. This is to avoid permanent loss and wasted learning time.