Fermilab Budget Briefing FY 2013-2015 Generic Detector Research and Development KA 2501032 Breakout Erik Ramberg Fermilab February, 2013.


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Presentation transcript:

Fermilab Budget Briefing FY Generic Detector Research and Development KA Breakout Erik Ramberg Fermilab February, 2013

Detector R&D Long Range Goals Energy Frontier:  Vertex sensors that can withstand a fluence of particles/cm 2  Innovative 3D ASIC track triggers  Hadronic jet energy resolutions of ~10%/sqrt(E)  High speed optical data links and graphical processing Intensity Frontier:  Low-cost, efficient high-rate photodetectors for rare decays and neutrino interactions  High-performance, low cost multi-kton liquid Argon TPC detectors Cosmic Frontier:  Dark matter detectors with a background at the level of 1 nuclear recoil per ton per year  Low noise CCD development, and MKID low-cost alternative to spectrophotometry Page 2 Note: much of the technology development crosses frontier boundaries

KA25 R&D Budget Supports 32 FTE of Engineering and Technical Support on a Wide Portfolio of Projects

Collider Detector R&D Funding Opportunity Fermilab was a part of several proposals prepared for the CDRD funding opportunity. We worked to increase our collaborative efforts with universities, other national labs and industrial partners. Fermilab led projects selected for funding include: A Proposal to Develop a High Speed Data Link for Collider Experiments  (ANL, U.Mn., OSU., FNAL, SMU, VegaWave)  $360 K – ($64 K for FNAL) Development of 3D Vertically Integrated Pattern Recognition Associative Memory  (FNAL, U.Chicago, ANL, INFN (Padova), Tezzaron)  $150 K – ($140K for FNAL) Forward Calorimetry for a High Luminosity LHC  (Virginia, Notre Dame, Iowa, Florida State, Minnesota, Cal.Tech, Feirald)  $410 K ($0 for FNAL) Funding for these programs is included in budget summaries, even for funds passed through to other institutions Page 4

Scenario B FY13 = Expected FY14 = 2% Decrease from FY13

Scenario B Highest Priorities  Design and test level 1 triggerable tracking detectors for HL-LHC  Design and build a LAr TPC detector for long-term placement in the Test Beam Facility, to establish techniques for detecting and reconstructing interactions.  Work towards >100 Gbps optical DAQ that is radiation hard  Continue development of low-cost, fast, efficient photodetectors – LAPPD project and SiPM’s  Continue research into next generation homogeneous, high speed and dual readout hadron calorimetry  Develop large array MKID option for next generation spectrophotometry  Create tracking solutions for the Intensity Frontier  Implement extreme low noise CCD readout in an FPGA Page 6

Scenario B Summary FY13 – FY15 Page 7 ** DOE guidance says $ Without FWP: (in $K) FY2013 Budget FY2014 Plan FY2015 Plan Collider Detectors - SWF 1647 Collider Detectors – M&S 1597 Collider Detectors - Overhead 1520 Collider Detector TOTAL 4764 Liquid Argon - SWF 1044 Liquid Argon - M&S 540 Liquid Argon - Overhead 924 Liquid Argon Total 2508 Astrophysics - SWF 992 Astrophysics - M&S 181 Astrophysics - Overhead 788 Astrophysics Total 1961 DAQ & Sim - SWF 345 DAQ & Sim - M&S 402 DAQ & Sim - Overhead 288 DAQ & Sim Total 1035 Facilities - SWF 481 Facilities - M&S 116 Facilities - Overhead 395 Facilities Total 992 0> 0 TOTAL * * Start Intensity Frontier Detector plan Optical link DAQ and VIPRAM FWP’s end – Continue support? Liquid Argon R&D ramps down, while test beam installation ramps up Steady Funding for MKIDs Push for test beam version of high-speed hadron calorimeter

Goals for FY13-FY14 Silicon Tracking - Layout and fabrication of VICTR2 (2D track trigger ASIC) - Conceptual design of pixel readout chip LHC Phase 2 and submission of 65 nm test structures to determine radiation hardness - Layout of VIPRAM 3D addressable memory chip - Testing of 3D chips from Tezzaron - Continue program of sensor testing in the Fermilab Test Beam Facility - Begin design of integrated SiPM/3D readout to provide the ultimate photodetector - Develop 120 Gbps data link using an array of 12 channels Liquid Argon - Complete LAPD program: test with full volume, implement TPC with full scale drift (2 m) - Continue characterization of impurity of materials in LAr test stand - Design LAr TPC module for long-term tests in hadron beam at FTBF - Perform 2 nd neutron beam calibration on a small LArTPC (SCENE) - Create 50 kg scale dual phase optical TPC for light efficiency studies and to test for neutrino coherent scattering at Booster Neutrino Beam target.

Goals for FY13/FY14 (cont.) Dark Matter: - Install DAMIC CCD detectors in SNOLAB and commission - Perform neutron beam studies and acoustic calibration studies on test bubble chambers - Perform nuclear recoil light efficiency studies on liquid Argon test chamber - Measure charge drift, scintillation and crystal properties of solid Xenon Calorimetry and Photodetection: - Test QIE10 test ASIC - Characterize doped PbF2 crystals and scintillating ceramics for dual readout - Perform absolute efficiency measurements on SiPM - In charge of electrode coating for LAPD photodetector project - Develop low cost, high speed arrays of SiPM’s CCD’s and MKIDS: - Develop FPGA solution to low noise CCD readout - Develop ‘Skipper’ CCD structure for low noise readout - Perform neutron imaging with thin borated films on CCD surface - Install low-noise digitally filtered CCD at reactor for coherent neutrino scattering

Comments on Scenario A, C Plans Scenario A: FY13 3% lower, FY14 flat-flat Scenario C: FY13 as Expected, FY14 Proposed

A: Summary Discussion Given the guidelines for including Field Work Proposals in the base budget, then Scenario ‘A’ represents more than a 10% reduction in KA25 purchasing power. With this reduction, we will have to slow down or cancel several detector programs:  Not install a liquid Argon detector in the test beam this year  Scale back leadership in hadron calorimetry  Mechanical support design for LHC upgrades would be zeroed out  Not be able to start an Intensity Frontier detector group Page 11

Comparison of Scenario A & B in FY14 Page 12 FY2013 Budget FY2014 Scenario B FY2014 Scenario A Collider Detectors - SWF 1647 Collider Detectors – M&S 1597 Collider Detectors - Overhead 1520 Collider Detector TOTAL 4764 Liquid Argon - SWF 1044 Liquid Argon - M&S 540 Liquid Argon - Overhead 924 Liquid Argon Total 2508 Astrophysics - SWF 992 Astrophysics - M&S 181 Astrophysics - Overhead 788 Astrophysics Total 1961 DAQ & Sim - SWF 345 DAQ & Sim - M&S 402 DAQ & Sim - Overhead 288 DAQ & Sim Total 1035 Facilities - SWF 481 Facilities - M&S 116 Facilities - Overhead 395 Facilities Total 992 TOTAL 11260